
MATLAB Check script hangs

gergelytakacs opened this issue · 2 comments

MATLAB CI step hangs at "HeatShield_Identification_Blackbox"...

This should be checked out and fixed.

 ************************ Testing "HeatShield_Identification_Blackbox"...************************ FAIL.
  exceptionCI = 
    MException with properties:
      identifier: 'MATLAB:TooManyOutputs'
         message: 'Too many output arguments.'
           cause: {}
           stack: [7x1 struct]
      Correction: []
  {�Error using nlarx
  Too many output arguments.
  Error in HeatShield_Identification_Blackbox (line 45)
  model_nlarx= nlarx(data,[1 1 0],'linear');      % Identify nonlinear arx
  Error in run (line 91)
  evalin('caller', strcat(script, ';'));

Pulled MATLAB from required checks temporarily. The issue remains unresolved until

  • CI step is working again
  • CI step is re-introduced in branch protection rules
