In this work we tested the Intel® RealSense™ Tracking Camera T265 functionality and evaluate data acquisition reliability in different settings. Particularly, the aim is provide a clear and simple report that can be used for future studies or experiments. The experiments were done indoors and outdoors and were classified as follows:
- Short range experiments (1m)
- Medium range experiments (5-15m)
- Long range experiments (50-100m)
- Very long range experiments (> 100m)
- Rotation experiments
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.
- Intel® RealSense ™ Tracking Camera T265
- Raspberry Pi 4 (recommended) or Raspberry Pi 3B+
- Intel RealSense SDK
- pyrealsense2 2.33.1
- numpy 1.16.2
- matplotlib 3.1.1
- Follow these instructions for the Raspberry Pi set-up
- Clone and import the repo in Raspberry Pi
- Open the
folder and choose the right file to do your experiments (if you have an LCD touchscreen to connect to the Raspberry, you can use the GUI to manage the files, but remember to install PyQt 5.15.1)
The following table shows a short description of our results, for more details see the report or presentation.
For all experiments it is advisable to wait for a camera stabilization time of 5-10 seconds
In conclusion, the results obtained by the camera are highly dependent on the environment used. A broader view brings improvement.