
a ros node to publish depth from stereo block matching using the Realsense T265 Tracking Camera

Primary LanguageC++


This ROS node can perform the following operations:

  1. Rectify fisheye images coming from the realsense t265 ros driver
  2. Compute and publish disparity image based on the step 1
  3. Compute and publish a pointcloud2 based on the step 2


  • Assuming you correclty installed librealsense, get your specific camera parameters using rs-enumerate-devices -c
  • If using low-power cpu, use lower resolution (see full, half, third in cfg folder). Remeber to adjust your parameters accordingly.

Make it work

  • Launch the t265 ros driver, be sure to publish images
  • roslaunch t265_depth t265_depth.launch


  • input_topic_left: topic name of the left camera
  • input_topic_right: topic name of the right camera
  • output_frame_id: name of the frame with respect to where publish the cloud/disparity image
  • process_every_nth_frame: to save computation, skip frames
  • param_file_path: path of your camera parameters
  • scale: full, half of a third of the resolution (1/4 not usefull, image details lost)