Pinned issues
- 3
OpenGraph Data in Base Template
#3798 opened by Xaldew - 0
- 15
- 0
- 2
Watchdog 5 rebuild loop
#3788 opened by chris48s - 0
"Large" SVG files can crash build
#3785 opened by Xaldew - 1
[possible regression] inline code breaks build
#3783 opened by Sponge5 - 2
nikola auto failing
#3776 opened by mcavigelli - 1
CSS: Add `margin-bottom: 1rem` to `img` (default theme)
#3777 opened by sjehuda - 6
nikola auto throws ValueError exception on rebuild
#3766 opened by wohali - 4
jinja2.exceptions.TemplateNotFound: annotation_helper.tmpl
#3774 opened by oraNod - 2
missing annotation_helper.tmpl
#3773 opened by allenbrunson - 12
pyrss2gen is abandoned
#3768 opened by dvzrv - 6
nikola plugin --upgrade broken
#3737 opened by msghens - 3
`nikola` command does not run
#3769 opened by marsianjohncarter - 1 badge in README has gone invalid
#3770 opened by xuhdev - 4
Add type annotations everywhere
#3739 opened by Kwpolska - 0
Generate also a webp file for images
#3767 opened by Mte90 - 0
`annotation_helper.tmpl` includes jquery via HTTP, includes no longer existing
#3764 opened by felixfontein - 0
nikola auto: "AttributeError: 'FileOpenedEvent' object has no attribute '_src_path'. Did you mean: 'src_path'?"
#3761 opened by aknrdureegaesr - 2
"plugin" command not working on v8.3.0
#3759 opened by cybervegan - 1
nikola auto 2.0
#3758 opened by aknrdureegaesr - 0
Replace use of pkg_resources with importlib.resources
#3743 opened by dvzrv - 1
Directory traversal vulnerability
#3755 opened by Dreamsorcerer - 0
pytest 8.0.0 breaks test_command_import_wordpress
#3753 opened by Kwpolska - 1
Running `nikola new_post --available-formats` in a new site throws a TypeError
#3750 opened by alexwlchan - 12
Dependency management (file requirements.txt and friends) is far too lenient: Too old versions and incompatible new versions.
#3734 opened by aknrdureegaesr - 0
New plugin manager does not support symlinks
#3741 opened by Kwpolska - 1
Nikola plugin comand does not work
#3736 opened by msghens - 1
Nikola is not compatible with lxml 5.1.0
#3732 opened by aknrdureegaesr - 1
Support Python 3.12
#3719 opened by martin-ueding - 0
Templates can no longer be found in plugins
#3725 opened by Kwpolska - 0
Trying to import after creating a post shows wrong info.
#3731 opened by StyXman - 1
- 0
Build-in `nikola serve` development server could support non-root sites better.
#3726 opened by aknrdureegaesr - 0
Add an automated test for plugin/commands/auto (the development server).
#3718 opened by aknrdureegaesr - 1
- 1
nikola build fails with error registering extension
#3721 opened by jni - 0
Trivial: Contributing guide should request source compatibility for tests as well.
#3716 opened by aknrdureegaesr - 2
.doit.db.dat file getting bigger and bigger.
#3714 opened by partrita - 1
Add a custom sub-directory to a static website?
#3711 opened by pritam-dey3 - 0
KaTeX is out of date, align* environment missing (current is 0.10.2, latest is 0.16.8)
#3709 opened by nhthn - 4
Generated front page contains one `<h1>` for each post, I wish they were `<h2>`
#3708 opened by tartley - 1
support valine comment system
#3707 opened by iowrite - 1
- 1
Generic pre-deploy checks
#3695 opened by JesperDramsch - 1
Change in paragraph spacing for reST files
#3704 opened by friedelwolff - 2
Attach OpenPGP signature for source tarballs to releases
#3703 opened by dvzrv - 0
nikola does not work with current git yapsy - multiple tests fail with `KeyError` in the plugin template injection code
#3700 opened by AdamWill - 0
Listings for .DS_Store files are not generated, but .DS_Store appears in listing indexes
#3698 opened by Kwpolska