
RNA-seQC output empty

YyLu5 opened this issue · 1 comments

YyLu5 commented


I followed the TOPmed pipeline used STAR to get the bam file, picard to mark duplicate, then used RNA-seQC to generate gene tpm. All steps ran without any error, however the gene_tpm.gct file only contain nan for tpm column, and exon_reads.gct and other files contain only 0 for last column, the first two columns (ID and name) looks fine.
head gene_tpm.gct


head exon_reads.gct

Therefore I double checked my work, and noticed a warning from picard mark duplicate step, because the log is very long, I will only paste the head and tail here:


Did this cause the empty output? I've been searching online for solution for several days and did not get any valid results. I tried both STAR BAM file and the BAM file after mark duplicates, both them gave the same results.

Software I used are STAR 2.7.3a, Picard v2.18.17 and rnaseqc.v2.3.6.linux.

Thank you for your help!

YyLu5 commented

I'm able to figure it out, the problem caused by my single ended data.