
Python DAQ library and application for ATI Force Sensors and NI-DAQ

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


Python DAQ library and application for ATI force sensors and NI-DAQ

Released under the MIT License

Oliver Lindemann oliver.lindemann@cognitive-psychology.eu


  • Python 2.7 (<3.0)
  • NumPy 1.7 or higher
  • PyDAQmx
  • The GUI application (forceDAQ.gui) depends furthermore on Expyriment 0.8.0 or higher


  • Create the shared library atidaq.dll (or atidaq.so for Linux) using Makefile in the folder atidaq_cdll. A complied version of atidaq.dll can be also found in the Windows subfolder
  • Make the library available by coping it in your system folder



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