
Wrongly assign the name internal signal for vhdl

Opened this issue · 2 comments

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

entity blink is
    port (
        clk     : in std_logic;
        inp     : in std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
        ou      : out std_logic_vector(63 downto 0)
end blink;

architecture RTL of blink is
    signal internal : std_logic;
    process(clk) begin
        if rising_edge(clk) then
            internal <= inp(0);
            if (internal = '1') then 
                ou <= inp;
                ou <= (others => '0');     
            end if;     
            -- n
        end if;
    end process;
end RTL; 

the command i use

ghdl analyze blink_basic.vhdl
/usr/local/bin/yosys -m ghdl -p "ghdl blink; write_cxxrtl blink.cpp

the blink.cpp genrated

#include <cxxrtl/cxxrtl.h>

#if defined(CXXRTL_INCLUDE_CAPI_IMPL) || \
#include <cxxrtl/capi/>

#include <cxxrtl/capi/>

using namespace cxxrtl_yosys;

namespace cxxrtl_design {

// \top: 1
struct p_blink : public module {
	/*output*/ value<64> p_ou;
	wire<64> i_auto_24_ghdl_2e_cc_3a_806_3a_import__module_24_3;
	wire<1> i_auto_24_ghdl_2e_cc_3a_806_3a_import__module_24_2;
	/*input*/ value<64> p_inp;
	/*input*/ value<1> p_clk;
	value<1> prev_p_clk;
	bool posedge_p_clk() const {
		return !prev_p_clk.slice<0>().val() && p_clk.slice<0>().val();
	p_blink(interior) {}
	p_blink() {

	void reset() override;

	bool eval(performer *performer = nullptr) override;

	template<class ObserverT>
	bool commit(ObserverT &observer) {
		bool changed = false;
		if (i_auto_24_ghdl_2e_cc_3a_806_3a_import__module_24_3.commit(observer)) changed = true;
		if (i_auto_24_ghdl_2e_cc_3a_806_3a_import__module_24_2.commit(observer)) changed = true;
		prev_p_clk = p_clk;
		return changed;

	bool commit() override {
		observer observer;
		return commit<>(observer);

	void debug_eval();

	void debug_info(debug_items *items, debug_scopes *scopes, std::string path, metadata_map &&cell_attrs = {}) override;
}; // struct p_blink

void p_blink::reset() {

bool p_blink::eval(performer *performer) {
	bool converged = true;
	bool posedge_p_clk = this->posedge_p_clk();
	// cell \10
	if (posedge_p_clk) { = p_inp.slice<0>().val();
	// cells \11 \6
	if (posedge_p_clk) { = (i_auto_24_ghdl_2e_cc_3a_806_3a_import__module_24_2.curr ? p_inp : value<64>{0u,0u});
	// connection
	p_ou = i_auto_24_ghdl_2e_cc_3a_806_3a_import__module_24_3.curr;
	return converged;

void p_blink::debug_eval() {

void p_blink::debug_info(debug_items *items, debug_scopes *scopes, std::string path, metadata_map &&cell_attrs) {
	assert(path.empty() || path[path.size() - 1] == ' ');
	if (scopes) {
		scopes->add(path.empty() ? path : path.substr(0, path.size() - 1), "blink", metadata_map({
			{ "top", UINT64_C(1) },
		}), std::move(cell_attrs));
	if (items) {
		items->add(path, "ou", "", p_ou, 0, debug_item::OUTPUT|debug_item::DRIVEN_COMB);
		items->add(path, "internal", "", debug_alias(), i_auto_24_ghdl_2e_cc_3a_806_3a_import__module_24_2);
		items->add(path, "inp", "", p_inp, 0, debug_item::INPUT|debug_item::UNDRIVEN);
		items->add(path, "clk", "", p_clk, 0, debug_item::INPUT|debug_item::UNDRIVEN);

} // namespace cxxrtl_design

extern "C"
cxxrtl_toplevel cxxrtl_design_create() {
	return new _cxxrtl_toplevel { std::unique_ptr<cxxrtl_design::p_blink>(new cxxrtl_design::p_blink) };

you can see that the name of signal internal whuch is internal signa, in the blink.cpp the name is given is different what is assign in vhdl code

how can I fix this

I fear this is a question for yosys, unless this problem is specific to vhdl.
If I dump the netlist in verilog, I get:

module blink(clk, inp, ou);
  wire [63:0] _0_;
  reg _1_;
  reg [63:0] _2_;
  input clk;
  wire clk;
  input [63:0] inp;
  wire [63:0] inp;
  wire internal;
  output [63:0] ou;
  wire [63:0] ou;
  always @(posedge clk)
    _1_ <= inp[0];
  always @(posedge clk)
    _2_ <= _0_;
  assign _0_ = internal ? inp : 64'h0000000000000000;
  assign internal = _1_;
  assign ou = _2_;

So the internal signal is here. Names are probably mangled by cxxrtl writer.

Yes, it is correct for Verilog for me also, but for VHDL, it assigns different names to the internal signals.
How can I fix this.