The Game Boy Color USB-C Charging Kit PRO is a new circuit designed specifically for the Nintendo Game Boy Color. This all-in-one circuit includes not only the charging controller but also a boost converter and audio amplifier.
- 446599
- adanmauriUniversidad Nacional de la Plata
- eddiebishopUSA
- esotericseanCalifornia, USA
- exxcell
- gameboycameraGame Boy Camera
- George304
- hofstee
- ivanfexSlate
- jan-hanegraaf
- kirkegaard@omnigame-dev
- kiryl85
- lancefisheronXmaps
- Limpster
- Lrs121DigitalSea
- Manue1987
- MisterModsInfo
- olivMertensMicrosoft
- omasanoriJapan
- osxos
- Parufito
- possibly-ravenclaw
- sevendiablos
- tomam28
- topaxiZürich, Switzerland
- ubiquitous-o
- voluptuary