
Import JavaScript code as <script> tags in Unity WebGL builds' index.html file

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WebGL JS injector

Import JavaScript code as <script> tags in Unity WebGL builds' index.html file.

This is a simpler alternative for HTML templates when you only need custom <script> tags.

The new tags will be placed right before the last <script> tag found in the HTML file, in the same order that they are found by AssetDatabase.


Install via Unity Package Manager using this repository URL:



  1. Create a file with the .jstag extension inside your Assets folder or UPM packages
  2. (Optional) Add JavaScript code to this file, which will go inside the tag:
Code will go here
  1. (Optional) Add attributes in the import settings, which will go in the tag. Example of attributes are type="module" and src="URL of some js lib in a CDN"
<script Attributes will go here>...</script>
  1. Build for WebGL 🛠
  2. (Optional) Open your index.html file in your code editor of choice to check that the expected <script> tags are there
  3. Enjoy 🎉