
Easily manage a stack of objects that respond to the ESC button / Android Back button in Unity, so that only the top object handles the event.

Primary LanguageC#The UnlicenseUnlicense

Back Button Stack


Easily manage a stack of objects that respond to the ESC button / Android Back button in Unity, so that only the top object handles the event.

Check out the Popup Stack sample scene for some usage example.


  • Only the last object in the stack will be called when the ESC/Back button is pressed.
  • Inherit ABackButtonHandler to have scripts that handle the ESC/Back button be inserted/removed from the singleton stack automatically in their OnEnable / OnDisable methods.
  • Supports pure C# classes as well, just implement the IBackButtonHandler interface and call AddToBackButtonStack and RemoveFromBackButtonStack to add / remove it from the singleton stack.
  • Custom inspector for debugging which objects are currently in the stack, just select the BackButtonStack object in the DontDestroyOnLoad scene while in Play Mode.

How to install


  • Use the openupm registry and install this package using the openupm-cli:
    openupm add com.gilzoide.back-button-stack
  • Install using the Unity Package Manager with the following URL:
  • Clone this repository or download a snapshot of it directly inside your project's Assets or Packages folder.