
Unity scripts that modify GameObjects and Components at Prefab/Scene import time based on build configurations

Primary LanguageC#The UnlicenseUnlicense

Conditional Objects

Scripts that modify GameObjects and Components at Prefab/Scene import time, based on build configurations. All processing is done in the editor at import/build time, so there's no runtime penalty in built players.


  • Supported conditions:
    • Editor vs Built player
    • Development vs Release build settings
    • Scripting define symbols
    • Active build platform
  • Conditionally modify GameObject or Component properties with the PropertyModifier script (e.g.: setting different controller sprites between PlayStation and Xbox platforms)
  • Conditionally keep GameObjects or Components with the KeepObjectsModifier script (e.g.: keep a "Login with Google Play Games" button in Android only)
  • Conditionally delete GameObjects or Components with the DeleteObjectsModifier script (e.g.: delete a debug button in release builds)

How to install

Install via Unity Package Manager using the following URL:


Unity support

AImportTimeObjectModifier in Scenes are supported in all Unity versions.

Before Unity 2020.2, prefabs are only supported when directly instanced in scenes.

Creating your own modifier

  1. Create a script that inherits from AImportTimeObjectModifier
  2. Implement the abstract void Apply(bool filtersMatch) method inside a #if UNITY_EDITOR block. Check out the DeleteObjectsModifier script for an example.
  3. Add the script to your game objects in Prefabs/Scenes

Whenever a prefab with your script is reimported or a scene is processed (either played in editor or built), the modifier will be applied and immediately destroyed.

Known issues

  • UNITY_EDITOR and DEVELOPMENT_BUILD scripting define symbols are not detected correctly during builds, use the dedicated Editor and Development filters instead
  • Extra scripting define symbols passed to BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer are not detected correctly during builds