
Read-only SQLite database assets for Unity with ScriptedImporters for ".sqlite", ".sqlite2" and ".sqlite3" files

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SQLite Asset


Read-only SQLite database assets for Unity.

Automatically imports ".sqlite", ".sqlite2" and ".sqlite3" files as SQLite database assets.


  • SqliteAsset: read-only SQLite database Unity assets.
    • Files with the extensions ".sqlite", ".sqlite2" and ".sqlite3" will be imported as SQLite database assets.
    • Use the CreateConnection() method for connecting to the database provided by the asset. Make sure to Dispose() of any connections you create.
    • SQLite assets may be loaded from Streaming Assets folder or from memory, depending on the value of their "Streaming Assets Path" property.
    • Warning: Android and WebGL platforms don't support loading SQLite databases from Streaming Assets and will always load them in memory.
  • SQLiteConnection.SerializeToAsset extension method for serializing a database to an instance of SqliteAsset.


  • SQLite-net: library for managing SQLite databases

Optional packages

How to install


  • Use the openupm registry and install this package using the openupm-cli:
    openupm add com.gilzoide.sqlite-asset
  • Install using the Unity Package Manager with the following URL:
  • Clone this repository or download a snapshot of it directly inside your project's Assets or Packages folder.
