Streamline your git workflow: just type `pull`, `branch`, `merge`, `push`
- 1
'branch -' to switch to previous branch not working?
#110 opened by jamiew - 1
Add test coverage using `bats`
#82 opened by jamiew - 0
Auto-complete remote branch names w/o "origin"
#106 opened by jamiew - 10
- 0
Compare URLs sometimes have double-slash
#102 opened by jamiew - 0
'push' does not play nice with latest 'gh pr checkout'
#101 opened by jamiew - 2
- 2
Help people migrate from "master" to "main"
#96 opened by jamiew - 4
- 4
Rename our "master" branch to "main"
#98 opened by jamiew - 0
- 4
- 2
pull failing on master branch
#91 opened by maxwell - 0
branch: -d unexpectedly deletes remote branches
#88 opened by jamiew - 0
Incomplete custom path installation example
#57 opened by sapegin - 2
Install doesn't make scripts executable
#61 opened by erikras - 1
Incorrect README
#67 opened by sivaraam - 4
GitHub organization
#83 opened by sapegin - 1
Document release process
#84 opened by sapegin - 5
Consider supporting fzf with branch command
#86 opened by eladchen - 19
Add homebrew package?
#70 opened by jamiew - 0
- 2
Extra / in copied compare URLs?
#75 opened by jamiew - 3
Incorrect compare link after push -f
#65 opened by prichodko - 3
Option to disable copying compare URL after push
#72 opened by Seresigo - 1
- 7
Can't specify remote as argument when using `push`
#54 opened by loris - 2
Clone script
#68 opened by sapegin - 4
`branch` does not take advantage of git-completion
#35 opened by jamiew - 3
Weird push behavior
#63 opened by sapegin - 3
Pull after branch change?
#62 opened by sapegin - 1
"branch -" should checkout the previous branch
#52 opened by sapegin - 0
`branch -d` should delete branches
#36 opened by jamiew - 2
zsh install process
#56 opened by AvraamMavridis - 0
- 3
`merge` should not use rebase
#26 opened by jamiew - 9
`push` is broken, but i cant debug it :/
#42 opened by TCMiranda - 1
Composer support for `pull`
#45 opened by swissspidy - 5
Images in Readme disappears
#41 opened by sapegin - 1
- 15
Branch command not checking out branches
#31 opened by thatryan - 0
- 1
Prompt y/n on branch creation
#23 opened by jamiew - 1
- 7
No support for non-origin remotes
#19 opened by cj - 3
Could not locate Gemfile
#21 opened by paulirish - 1
- 6
warning: refname 'acd/internal' is ambiguous.
#18 opened by cj - 3
Feature Request: 'publish' command
#13 opened by indexzero - 1
Update git submodules on pull
#12 opened by indexzero