In the spirit of awesome-[whatever]
, it's a public directory of open source sfdx plugins.
Fork, PR, and add your plugins to share with the world Also feel free to reorganize these as the list grows
- falcon template/framework for ISVs
- sfdx-core auth, connections, and client-side tools for your plugins
- sfdx-plugin-generate sfdx-specific version of the oclif generate
- sfdx-command the thing we're all extending
- isvte tools for ISVs from Salesforce's ISV Technical Evangelism team
- @salesforce/analytics commands for working with Salesforce Analytics apis
- sfdx-scanner runs quality and security checks (PMD) - does not replace Checkmarx for Partners
- sfdmu Salesforce Data Move Utility - plugin and GUI
- sfdx-plugin-lwc-test Helpful for setting up Jest Tests
- @salesforce/analytics commands for working with Salesforce Analytics apis
- dependency helps you leverage Dependency API
- lwc-dev-mobile local preview of LWC in ios/android emulation
Shared by people out of love, for the community. No guarantees.
shane-sfdx-plugins (Shane McLaughlin, @mshanemc)
Too many commands to even attempt to describe--just go read the README.
muenzpraeger/sfdx-plugin (Rene Winkelmeyer, @muenzpraeger)
Sets api version, deletes Aura empty boilerplate files, and turns swagger defts into Apex classes
sfdx-waw-plugin (Wade Wegner, @wadewegner)
Shortcuts for connected apps, codeclean, packaging, and more
mo-dx-plugin (Mohith Shrivastava, @msrivastav13)
Retrieving and deploying via tooling api, convert package source to Salesforcedx source all in one command, rename CRUD based metadata
sfdx-cmdt-plugin (Shun Kosaka, @shunkosa)
Convert csv to custom metadata
texei-sfdx-plugin (folks from Texei, especially @FabienTaillon)
Crawls package dependencies and automatically installs the prerequisites | update your user fields | enables SharedActivities in scratch orgs | and more
ETCopyData ( Andres Perez @eltoroit)
Extract and populate data to sandboxes and scratch orgs
sfdx-browserforce-plugin (Matthias Rolke @amtrack)
Configurable tool for browser-driving through the setup menu to get at all those non-accessible features
sfdx-migration-automatic (Shinichi Tomita @stomita)
Dump/load record data to/from CSV files to easily migrate data between orgs
sfdx-devhub-pool (Shinichi Tomita @stomita)
Generate scratch orgs without hitting daily limit by using multiple DevHub orgs as a pool
sfdx-toolbox-package-utils (John M. Daniel @ImJohnMDaniel)
Plugin devoted to better managing second generation package dependencies.
sfpowerkit (Accenture)
Too many powerful things.Read the documentation on the git repo.
sfpowerscripts (Accenture)
A build system for package based development model using sfdx-project.json as source of truth.
soqlx-opener (John M. Daniel @ImJohnMDaniel)
For those SalesforceDevs that love @Superfell's #SoqlXplorer, this plugin brings the power of SoqlX to DX Scratch orgs.
sfdx-git-packager (Charles Jonas @ChuckJonas)
Generates Metadata packages from differences between git refs.
JSON-Bourne-SFDX (REA Group @realestate-com-au)
Source control your org reference data, and treat it as metadata (make changes in scratch org, commit the changes to source control and "deploy" through CI).
SFDX Essentials (Nicolas Vuillamy & contributors @nvuillam)
Filter metadata folders according to a package.xml, generate automatically permission sets , check the consistency between a SFDX project sources and related package.xml file(s), change package dependencies versions and apiVersion, reorder package.xml file content, migrate SFDX sources from an object model to a new objects model, filter metadatas XML before deployment.
sfdx-mohanc-plugins (Mohan Chinnappan, @mohan-chinnappan-n)
Too many commands to even attempt to describe--just go read the README.
Flowdoc (Shun Kosaka @shunkosa)
Still in alpha, but very promising approach to create documentation from your Flows as PDF, Word (docx) and JSON!
sfdx-valkyrie (Jonathan Wiesel @jonathanwiesel)
Detect and report on lack of implementation of the bypassing pattern.
adp (American Express)
Various devops tools (e.g. to login into an org), run jars (includes talend jobs)
Deploys changesets, updates state and country picklists and other helpful time-savers.
sedmockdata (Mohith Shrivastava, @msrivastav13)
A plugin for Salesforce DX CLI that provides ability to generate test data using mockaroo schema.You will need to sign up for the mockaroo API services and generate a schema.
DXB (David Browaeys, @davidbrowaeys)
A set of cool commands that extend the salesforce cli such as delta deployment, scratch org creation, profile json conversion, optimize soql queries by running your query plan locally, transfer sample or ref data from one org to another using bulk api, search why user as access to a object or a field, clean permisson set.
sfdx-ci-plugin (Frans Flippo, @fransflippo)
A plugin to create a connected app suitable for JWT authentication (
sfdx auth:jwt:grant
) with "one click". Especially useful for CI/CD which requires being able to non-interactively connect your org. The plugin takes care of creating the certificate and private key, creating and assigning permission sets, and creating the actual connected app. It even tells you exactly whichsfdx
command to include in your CI pipeline script to connect to the org. The plugin is agnostic of which CI/CD tool you happen to use. -
sfdx-hardis (Hardis Group, @hardisgroupcom)
A lot of commands allowing to orchestrate sfdx commands and other sfdx plugins commands in order to easy the use of Git and Salesforce DX
yo-sfdx-commands-generator (Yuval Vardi)
interactive generators for projects and scratch org features/settings
yo-sfdx-commands-autocomplete (Yuval Vardi)
run commands interactively (autocomplete for sfdx commands and flags)
vscode-sfdx-hardis (Hardis Group, @hardisgroupcom)
Visual Studio Code extension with a menu and UI integration allowing to use Git and Salesforce DX without knowing Git or Salesforce DX
A few layers down the stack, and for when you want to build CLI for other things that may not be sfdx-specific
core sfdx commands have an issues-only repo