- Title: Appointment Scheduler
- Author: Patrick Kell
- Contact: pkell@wgu.edu
- Application Version: 0.1
- Date: March 14, 2023
- IDE Version: IntelliJ IDEA 2022.3.1 Ultimate Edition
- JDK Version: JDK-17.0.6
- JavaFX Version: JavaFX-SDK-17.0.6
- MySQL Connector Driver Version: mysql-connector-java-8.0.32
- MySQL Workbench
- Intellij IDEA
- Download ZIP File of Project
- Extract the ZIP to a usable location on your machine
- Select File > Open in Intellij IDEA
- Select the 'Scheduler_App-master' folder where the ZIP was extracted to
- Select File > Project Structure > Libraries
- Click '+' symbol to add a 'New Project Library' from Maven
- Search for 'mysql-connector-java-8.0.32' and click 'OK' once found
- Execute the 'C195_db_ddl.txt' code in the database that was created in MySQL Workbench
- Execute the 'C195_db_dml.txt' code in the database that was created in MySQL Workbench
- Ensure location, database name, username and password match those of the variables declared in the "Utility/JDBC" file of this project
- Ensure the proper JDK and compatible JavaFX SDK is in place
- Run the program from the "main.scheduler/MainProgram" file
- Enter username "test" and password "test" to log into the application