
A RESTful way to send messages to other computers (ComputerCraft and OpenComputers)

Primary LanguagePHP


Ever feel RedNet is insecure? Use MCMessaging and stop worrying about those wannabe hackers!

This is a platform to send messages to other computers over HTTP (ComputerCraft and OpenComputers).

External Libraries/Services Used:

  • PHPUtils (all around personal library)


A LAMP setup is preferred, but you will need a server running PHP 5.6, and MySQL at a minimum.

  1. Refer to /config/config.php to input MySQL credentials.
  2. Refer to the /mysql folder for table setups within mcmessaging schema. Run the /mysql/createSchema.sql file first, then run /mysql/createTables.sql to create the necessary tables.

The MySQL user only needs SELECT, INSERT, and UPDATE privileges on the mcmessaging schema.

Getting Started (OpenComputers)

  1. Put /lua/OpenComputers/messages.lua and /lua/OpenComputers/example in the same directory on an OpenComputer
  2. Run and experiment with the example program

Lua Implementation Docs:

local message = require("message") for OpenComputers, or os.loadAPI("message.lua") for ComputerCraft

  • message.setVerbose(bool) - Whether or not to print out debug statements as to why a function returned false, default: true
  • message.setLogin(id,password) - Sets login credentials to use in sending/receiving messages. This doesn't validate them.
  • message.getID() - Returns a valid, and unused ID to register a new computer with
  • message.register(id,password) - Registers a new computer. Returns bool if successful or not
  • message.send(toId,message) - Sends a message to another id. Returns bool if successful or not
  • message.getUnreadMessages() - Returns a table containing all unread messages, or false if there are none

Planned Additions (in order of priority):

1. Sockets to receive, similar behavior to rednet.receive() in ComputerCraft
2. ComputerCraft implementation


For performance reasons, messages can only be up to 200 characters in length.