
STM8s MCU(STM8s103) Firmware Development, Bare Metal coding, Device drivers(.h &.c) for all peripherals of MCU and their corresponding application codes/Examples

Primary LanguageLiveScript


Bare Metal Programming on STM8s MCU by developing device drivers(.h and .c) for all pheripherals of STM8s MCU(UART,SPI,I2C,GPIO,TIMERS,ADC,Interrupts). interfacing various sesnors and modules by developing their application codes using device drivers of corresponding peripherals.

Like UART Application Code --> ESP8266 AT Commands Firmware from UART device driver

SPI Application Code --> W25q128JV, NRF24L01 Firmware from SPI Device Driver

I2C Application Code --> RTC3231, LCD_I2C firmware from I2C Device Driver

ADC Application Codes --> LDR,LM32,Potientiomter, Joystick Firmware from ADC Device Driver

Timers Application Codes --> PWM, Input capture, RGB lights, Motor Drivers,DHT11 sensor Firwares from Various Timer Device Drivers

GPIO Application Codes --> Keypad(419), LCD screen, internal PushPull resistor and various other Firmware From GPIO device driver

Full playlist for tuturials on above repo : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03-HWwHDv64&list=PLb_Q-Ps0nJosIAemNCkeLcJeOtVYKFz_6