
Live version

Sean Thomas and Alex WIlliams 2013-2016
version 2 - parallelized for Rigel / works with TORQUE PBS scheudler (should work with other PBS schedulers). Can operate without a scheduler if you add "--notorque" to the command line.

Basic Rules:

  • Don't implement changes directly on the master branch.
  • Implement fixes and features in a feature branch in your personal/local copy of the repo.
    • Push feature branches to a counterpart branch in remote/origin (i.e. GitHub) with the same name.
    • When done implementing fix or feature open a Pull Request (PR) to merge the changes into master.
    • Ideally have someone else review your code and approve those changes, i.e. approve the PR.
    • feature branch naming convention: initials-feature-branch-name, e.g. df-add_new_feature.
  • Generally use git pull --rebase when pulling changes (say from master) from GitHub, and git merge when pushing changes up the hierarchy/GitHub. See these:
  • TYPICAL ORDER OF STEPS (when you have local changes and you want to come up-to-date with remote): commit local changes, pull from remote, push to remote.


usage: monkey_agw -V [OPTIONS] <config_file.txt>