
Primary LanguageShell


This repo is just to organize some info about pdf handling with Linux, such as merging, compressing, splitting, and other useful functionalities.

Compressing files: shrinkpdf.sh

Compress bash file is credited to alfredklomp. This guys automates ghostscript.

  1. Do not forget to make chmod +x shrinkpdf.sh before using it.
  2. Typical usage: ./shrinkpdf.sh in.pdf > out.pdf or ./shrinkpdf.sh in.pdf out.pdf
  3. For choosing desired output dpi: ./shrinkpdf.sh in.pdf out.pdf 90 (72 is the defaultand is way too shrinky).

Merging files

This uses pdfunite which is part of poppler and is probably already installed in your Linux.

Just use: pdfunite in-1.pdf in-2.pdf in-n.pdf out.pdf

To select all the files in one folder in numerical/alphabetical order, use: pdfunite $(ls *.pdf | sort -n) output.pdf. Make sure you don't have white spaces in the file name.

Splitting pdfs

pdfseparate -f 1 -l 5 input.pdf output-page-%d.pdf

Where -f is the first page to split and -l is the last one. If you want just one, make both the same. Also, %d is important.

Rotating pdfs permanently

Use pdfjam where the commands to rotate and the final is a landscape are:

pdfjam --landscape --angle 90 input.pdf

If you want the final to be a portrait, just remove the --landscape command: pdfjam --angle 90 input.pdf