What is GRAB?
Why is this important?
GRAB Workflow
Installing GRAB
GRAB Usage
GRAB Examples with Pictures
Additional Functionality
GRAB is short for Genomic Retrieval and Blast Database Creation. GRAB currently is only able to mine bacterial genomic information by taxonomy. GRAB consists of python scripts to mine the NCBI FTP sites for genomes, coding regions, or proteins of interest.
GRAB automates the retrieval of genomic information to build custom BLAST databases. The current method of finding genomic information is laborious and time intensive and human error may result in missed information. GRAB provides an automated system to overcome current limitations in creating custom databases.
BLAST is a sequence searching algorithm that searches for a query against a database
Make sure to add ncbi-blast to the system environment path
The scripts are split to allow a user to create a BLAST database their own way
A helpful post on BLAST command makeblastdb
Required software
- NCBI-BLAST: download Must be in environmental path
- Argparse & Pandas:
pip install argparse
pip install pandas
unzip GRAB.zip
git clone https://github.com/glickmac/GRAB
GRAB consists of two python scripts. One to pull genomic, coding regions, or proteins from bacteria of choice and another to automatically build a database.
- GRAB.py Help:
python GRAB.py -h
- Build.py Help:
python Build.py -h
Either -q or -f is required, however please use only one flag at a time
Option | Description |
-q or -f | -q: -query seperated by commas (no spaces) or -f: -file with query seperated by new lines |
-l | -level: Taxanomic level: options include phylum, order, class, family, genus, species, or subspecies |
Option | Description |
-m | -material: Material to download from NCBI FTP: options include genomic (DEFAULT), coding (DNA Coding regions), protein (Proteins) |
-o | -output: Create a custom output directory for retrieval, GRAB_Output (DEFAULT) |
Either -o or -f is required, however please use only one flag at a time. The -o option specifies the output name of GRAB.py
Option | Description |
-o or -f | -o: -output of GRAB.py seperated by commas (no spaces) or -f: -file with GRAB.py outputs seperated by new lines |
Option | Description |
-m | -material: Material to build database: options include nucl (Nucleotide, DEFAULT), prot (Proteins) |
-t | -title: Create a custom name for database, GRAB_DB (DEFAULT) |
GRAB currently operates only in the GRAB directory. The directories from GRAB.py are needed to run Build.py. You can remove the BLAST database (GRAB_DB is the default) created by Build.py and use it as a functional blast db for blastn, blastx, tblastx, blastp.
The query flag (-q) can take more than one input seperated by commas. Here we search for two subspecies of Mycobacterium abscessus: massiliense and bolletii
python GRAB.py -q massiliense,bolletii -l subspecies
Output: The default output directory is GRAB_Output
The directory contains a folder Nucleotides and three text files. Taxonomy names is a good file to check if the retrieval was successful. By without any other flags, the genomes are by default downloaded from the NCBI FTP.
The file flag (-f) must contain a text file seperated by new lines. An example of a properly formatted file is given in demo/file_flag_demo.txt.
python GRAB.py -f demo/file_flag_demo.txt -l subspecies
Output: The default output directory is GRAB_Output. This will overwrite the previous directory. The output directory will contain three Mycobacterium Avium Complex Subspecies.
The material flag (-m) contains three options
- genomic (Full Genomes)
- coding (Gene Sequences)
- protein (Proteins)
python GRAB.py -m protein -q massiliense,bolletii -l subspecies
Output: The default output directory is GRAB_Output
Now the output directory contains a folder Proteins and three text files. Using the coding or genomic flag will result in the folder being called Nucleotides.
The output flag (-o) allows for a user to specify the title of the output directory. Caution: if no directory is specified the default is GRAB_Output and that directory will be overwritten each time GRAB.py is run. Any output directory will be overwitten if it exists prior to running GRAB.py.
python GRAB.py -m genomic -q massiliense,bolletii -l subspecies -o Abscessus_subspecies
A new output directory will appear in the folder titled Abscessus_subspecies. Grab.py can be run multiple times to create directories with different organisms or pull from mulitple taxonomic levels.
Build is a script to build a blast database automatically from multiple runs of GRAB.py. The input to Build.py must be the directory names of GRAB.py. Be careful to select libraries with the same genetic material
Much like the GRAB.py script, An output flag (-o) or a file flag (-f) is needed to select all outputs of GRAB.py.
python Build.py -o GRAB_Output,Abscessus_subspecies
Output: The default output directory is GRAB_Combined and the default BLAST database name is GRAB_DB. The GRAB_DB can now be referenced for BLAST searches with the path /GRAB_DB/GRAB_DB.
The material flag (-m) is used to specify the creation of a nucleotide (DEFAULT) or protein BLAST database. The flag options are nucl (nucleotide) or prot (protein). The flag is optional and nucleotide is the default if no -m option is used.
python Build.py -m nucl -o GRAB_Output,Abscessus_subspecies
Output: The output of the above code should be the same as the Output and File flags. The default output directory is GRAB_Combined and the default BLAST database name is GRAB_DB.
The title flag (-t) allows the user to label the newly created BLAST database.
python Build.py -m nucl -o GRAB_Output,Abscessus_subspecies -t NTM_DB
Output: The default output directory is GRAB_Combined and the BLAST database name is now defined by the user, in this case NTM_DB.
There exists edge cases which can affect the retrieval in taxonomic querying in GRAB.py. For example, at the species level if the search term Abscessus is used to find Mycobacterial Abscessus species, other bacteria with the term Abscessus will be present in the retreival. To counter, a user must enter the full search term in the query or file.
For example:
python GRAB.py -m genomic -q 'Mycobacterium abscessus' -l species -o Abscessus_species