
Ansible role for installing and configuring ProFTPD for Galaxy

Primary LanguageJinja


An Ansible role for installing and managing proftpd servers. This role is designed to facilitate the installation of ProFTPD for Galaxy servers, and can configure ProFTPD to authenticate users against the Galaxy PostgreSQL database. It can also configure TLS for FTPS (note: NOT SFTP).


This role installs ProFTPD from APT on Debian systems, EPEL on Enterprise Linux systems. Other systems and installation methods are not supported.

Role Variables

Required variables

Variables required if proftpd_galaxy_auth is set:

  • proftpd_sql_db: Database name to connect to for authentication info. Can include host information, see the ProFTPD SQLConnectInfo documentation for the "connection-info" parameter for details.
  • galaxy_user: The name of the user running the Galaxy server.
  • galaxy_ftp_upload_dir: Path to the Galaxy FTP upload directory, should match ftp_upload_dir in your Galaxy config.
    • proftpd_create_ftp_upload_dir can be used to allow the role to create this with owner galaxy_user
  • Additionally, you should set User and Group in proftpd_options to the user and group names of your Galaxy user.

Optional variables


  • proftpd_options: Set arbitrary options in the server config context of proftpd.conf (they will actually be set in an included config file). This is a list of hashes (dictionaries) where keys are ProFTPD config options and values are the option's value. Block tags such as <IfModule> are not supported. Options set in proftpd_options will cause matching options in the base proftpd.conf file to be commented out.
  • proftpd_global_options: Set arbitrary options in the <Global> context, same format as proftpd_options. Options set in proftpd_global_options will NOT cause matching options in the base proftpd.conf file to be commented out.

Enabling/disabling optional features

  • proftpd_galaxy_auth: Attempt to authenticate users against a Galaxy database.
  • proftpd_conf_ssl_certificate and proftpd_conf_ssl_certificate_key: If set, enables TLS autoconfiguration. See FTP over SSL/TLS below.

Display-on-connect message

  • proftpd_display_connect: Message to display when users connect to the FTP server. This should be the message, not the path to a file (this role will create the file and set DisplayConnect accordingly.
  • proftpd_display_connect_context (default: server): If set to global, place the ServerConnect directive into a <Global> block. If set to server, it is placed in the server context.


These variables control the use of TLS. If unset, TLS will not be enabled. See mod_tls documentation and Example Playbook for usage.

  • proftpd_deploy_ssl: Enable/disable copying local SSL keys to the remote host
  • proftpd_ssl_src_dir: Where to copy SSL certificates from.
  • proftpd_conf_ssl_certificate: Path on the remote host where the SSL certificate file should be placed.
  • proftpd_conf_ssl_certificate_key: Path on the remote host where the SSL private key file should be placed.
  • proftpd_conf_ssl_ca_certificate: Path on the remote host where the SSL CA certificate chain should be placed. See the TLSCertificateChainFile documentation for the format of this file.
  • sslkeys: A hash (dictionary) containing private keys. Keys are the filenames (without leading path elements) matching proftpd_conf_ssl_certificate_key. proftpd_tls_protocol (default: TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2): Set TlSProtocol.
  • proftpd_tls_context (default: server): If set to global, place TLS configuration directives that are valid in the <Global> context into a <Global> block. If set to server, they are placed in the server context.
  • proftpd_use_mod_tls_shmcache: (default: true): use TLSSessionCache, requires mod_tls_shmcache to be installed.
  • proftpd_tls_sesscache_path (default: /run/proftpd/sesscache): Path to ProFTPD shm TLS session cache.
  • proftpd_tls_sesscache_timeout (default: 300): TLS session cache timeout (in seconds).
  • proftpd_tls_renegotiate: (default: unset): TLS renegotation time (in seconds).
  • proftpd_tls_options: (default: unset): Additional options for TLS, for example, NoSessionReuseRequired.

Galaxy authentication options

These options are used if proftpd_galaxy_auth is set.

  • proftpd_galaxy_options: Additional options to set in the Galaxy authentication include file. Options set in proftpd_galaxy_options will cause matching options in the base proftpd.conf file to be commented out.
  • proftpd_galaxy_default_options: Default options set in the Galaxy authentication include file, you should only need to explicitly set this if you need to remove items from the defaults. Matching options set in proftpd_galaxy_options override the defaults. The defaults can be found in defaults/main.yml.
  • proftpd_sql_user (default: the value of galaxy_user): Value of the username parameter to SQLConnectInfo.
  • proftpd_sql_password (default: empty): Value of the password parameter to SQLConnectInfo.
  • galaxy_user_uid (default: looked up automatically): UID of the user running the Galaxy server.
  • galaxy_user_gid (default: looked up automatically): GID of the user running the Galaxy server.
  • proftpd_galaxy_modules: Default list of modules that will be loaded (uncommented in the base proftpd.conf) to support Galaxy authentication, you should only need to explicitly set this if you need to change the default list. The defaults can be found in defaults/main.yml.
  • proftpd_galaxy_auth_context (default: server): If set to global, place Galaxy authentication directives into a <Global> block. If set to server, they are placed in the server context.

Virtual servers/hosts

  • proftpd_virtualhosts: Defines ProFTPD virtual servers/hosts. If set, this should be a list where each item is a hash (dict) with keys id (used in the vhost config file name), address (used in <VirtualHost ADDRESS>) and options, a list in the same format as proftpd_options below. Block tags such as <IfModule> are not supported.

It may be helpful to set Port: 0 in proftpd_options to disable the server context when using virtual servers.


Although not a requirement, geerlingguy.repo-epel can be used to enable EPEL with Ansible.

Example Playbook

Install ProFTPD for Galaxy with TLS:

- name: Install and configure ProFTPD
  hosts: ftpservers
  remote_user: root
    galaxy_user: galaxy
    galaxy_ftp_upload: /srv/galaxy/ftp
    proftpd_display_connect: |
      example.org FTP server

      Unauthorized access is prohibited
    proftpd_galaxy_auth: yes
      - User: galaxy
      - Group: galaxy
    proftpd_sql_db: galaxy@/var/run/postgresql
    proftpd_sql_user: galaxy
      'snakeoil_privatekey.pem': |
        -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
        -----END PRIVATE KEY-----
    proftpd_conf_ssl_certificate: snakeoil_cert.pem
    proftpd_conf_ssl_certificate_key: snakeoil_privatekey.pem
    proftpd_ssl_src_dir: files/ssl

    - galaxyproject.proftpd

If using virtual servers in conjunction with Galaxy authentication, DefaultRoot's chroot(2) will fail when used inside of a <VirtualHost>. In this case, mod_vroot should be used (you may find that it's already enabled for the server config context anyway). The following variables accomplish this:

proftpd_galaxy_auth_context: global
  - mod_sql.c
  - mod_sql_passwd.c
  - mod_sql_postgres.c
  - mod_vroot.c
  - VRootEngine: 'on'


Academic Free License ("AFL") v. 3.0

Author Information

Nate Coraor