
scripts for converting imputed SNP data to HDF5

Primary LanguagePython

# This directory contains scripts for imputing HapMap SNPs 
# using 1000 genomes as a reference panel. 
# Many of the scripts need to be editted slightly to change
# the population that is used (e.g. CEU or YRI).
# Workflow is as follows:

# make file of parental samples (first 60 are parents, 
# last 30 children)
#gunzip -c  /data/share/HapMap/phasing/r22/2008-12-16/genotypes_chr9_CEU_r22_nr.b36_fwd_sample.txt.gz | head -60 > /data/share/10_IND/IMPUTE/CEU_samples.txt

gunzip -c  /data/share/HapMap/phasing/r22/2008-12-16/genotypes_chr9_CEU_r22_nr.b36_fwd_sample.txt.gz  > /data/share/10_IND/IMPUTE/CEU_samples.txt

# create pre-phased haplotype files from HapMap phase2 r22 output
qsub run_make_haplotype_file.sh

# Liftover HapMap genotypes from hg18 => hg19
# Sort and filter SNPs that mapped to different strand or chromosome
# on hg19. Also discard SNPs with ordering that is inconsistent between
# hg18 and hg19. Convert BED file back to haplotype format.
qsub liftover_hapmap_genotypes.sh

# Make tasklist file containing list of regions we
# want to run IMPUTE on
python python/make_impute2_tasklist.py hg19 > /KG/gmcvicker/IMPUTE/tasklist.hg19.txt

qsub run_impute2.sh

# combine the output into a single file per chromosome

# convert output back to hg18 from hg19
# first change TYPE variable in script so that 
# this can be run on impute2 output files, and/or on
# impute2_haps output files
qsub liftover_impute_output.sh

###generate vcf files from impute2_haps files
###qsub run_impute2vcf.sh

# convert haplotypes and geno_probs to HDF5 format
 python import_genos.py  haplotypes  /impute2/YRI_haploypes /data/internal/genotypes/hg19/YRI/
 python import_genos.py  geno_probs  /impute2/YRI_geno_probs /data/internal/genotypes/hg19/YRI/