- 3
Cannot cross-compile from Linux to Windows
#155 opened by vonaka - 0
- 30
remove dependency on cgo
#109 opened by silbinarywolf - 4
Not able to import
#161 opened by Nabhay - 0
Add EGL bindings
#162 opened by lualvsil - 3
What is all-core? When should I use it?
#122 opened by jrefior - 3
bad access: nil dereference GenBuffers()
#150 opened by tod91 - 2
Error when binding in loop
#157 opened by EliiasG - 6
Doesn't work on Windows 10
#156 opened by robert-dzikowski - 1
gl.BufferSubData() crashed
#151 opened by leyaocty - 0
could not import C (cgo preprocessing failed) (compile) when running staticcheck
#154 opened by stanimirivanovde - 1
- 2
Init doesnt load glActiveTexture
#152 opened by tod91 - 0
cannot find -lXxf86vm on Kubuntu
#149 opened by misnaged - 0
Which version of GLES is supported?
#148 opened by hajimehoshi - 3
- 0
build report error in ubuntu20.04
#145 opened by leyaocty - 0
Use dummy.go files to protect KHR directory
#140 opened by andydotxyz - 1
undefined reference to `__assert_func'
#138 opened by zandercodes - 6
Big sur opengl
#139 opened by tomkimsour - 13
v3.1/gles2: installing GLES2 shows "fatal error: KHR/khrplatform.h: No such file or directory"
#125 opened by zzador - 1
Window Access Violation
#137 opened by NewSalman - 6
Error while calling functions from all-core
#104 opened by olsdavis - 2
v4.1-core/gl: LinkProgram crashes on Linux
#123 opened by gmlewis - 5
race detector checkptr fails on PtrOffset
#124 opened by rcoreilly - 0
unsafe usage of reflect.SliceHeader
#132 opened by hajimehoshi - 2
Strs returned free not actually working properly
#131 opened by DutchEllie - 0
How do I use gl.PolygonStipple()
#130 opened by jlran - 1
Is this an error?
#129 opened by darwinyip - 1
A dangerous function
#128 opened by aabbtree77 - 1
openal binding?
#127 opened by Broyojo - 6
Inquiry: Implications of Go >= 1.14 asynchronous preemptive scheduling for go-gl
#126 opened by Zyl9393 - 1
Why `UniformMatrix3fv` accepts only a *float32?
#121 opened by inkeliz - 2
Resizing window does not adjust relative coordinates
#119 opened by drakbar - 3
Question: do really debug functions work?
#116 opened by hajimehoshi - 3
Semantic versioning tag for go modules
#102 opened by hajimehoshi - 4
- 6
Warnings in MacOS when go-getting and executing
#101 opened by jmaeso - 2
Can't use version 3.1
#106 opened by SleepyMode - 2
How can I cast a []byte to []mgl32.Vec3?
#115 opened by Hperigo - 2
- 10
proposal: Remove 'C' types from the exposed APIs
#113 opened by hajimehoshi - 1
Is it OK to apply a patch to 3.2?
#111 opened by hajimehoshi - 1
Black screen on OSX Mojave
#110 opened by djhworld - 1
Segmentation Violation when calling gl.CreateShader
#108 opened by Pixdigit - 1
gl.BindVertexArray causes an occasional crash
#107 opened by rishabh-bector - 1
Element Buffer Object not drawing properly
#105 opened by rishabh-bector - 1
Argument size changes
#103 opened by jeff-emanuel - 2
gl.GenBuffers not accepting uint32 array?
#99 opened by tehcyx - 8
go get fails on FreeBSD CURRENT
#97 opened by wilyarti