STAR 2.4 Spliced Transcripts Alignment to a Reference © Alexander Dobin, 2009-2014 AUTHOR/SUPPORT: Alex Dobin, MANUAL: DIRECTORIES CONTENTS: source: all source fils required for compilation bin: pre-compiled executables for Linux and Mac OS X doc: documentation extras: miscellaneous files and scripts COMPILING FROM SOURCE: Unzip and "cd" into source/ subdirectory. Linux: run "make STAR". Mac OS X: run "make STARforMac" . If g++ compiler is not on the path, run "make STARforMac CXX=/path/to/gcc" . HARDWARE/SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS: x86-64 compatible processors 64 bit Linux or Mac OS X 30GB of RAM for human genome LIMITATIONS: This release was tested with the default parameters for human and mouse genomes. Please contact the author for a list of recommended parameters for much larger or much smaller genomes.