
Creating a simple Docker image to help perform comparisons for FASTQ compression

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Comparison of FASTQ compression algorithms


Next generation sequencing (NGS) experiments produce a tremendous amount of raw data that will be used in further downstream analysis. Typically, the raw data from an instrument is stored in FASTQ format, a raw text format where each base read is represented by 2 bytes - a byte to provide the nucleotide at a given position and a second byte providing a quality score, or how confident the instrument was in calling that nucleotide.

In raw text format, these files are quite hefty. For instance, when sequencing the whole human genome, experiments frequently will aim to have each nucleotide represented on average 30 times in their sequencing run. This would lead to raw FASTQ files of around:

3 billion nucleotides * 30x coverage * 2 bytes/nucleotide = 180 GB

Storing the data as raw text is incredibly inefficient though. Nucleotides are typically chosen from an alphabet of 4 characters (or potentially a little more if one wishes to allow for ambiguous or no-calls), so one would expect a bit over 2 bits needed per nucleotide rather than the full 8 bits provided in the text file. The quality score range varies by instrument, with some instruments using as few as 2 bits to represent quality scores. Historically, the most popular instruments would output around 64 different quality scores which would require around 6 bits to encode them directly. Thus, a simple binary encoding of the information should take only about half of the naive text version:

(2 bits + 6 bits)/(8 bits + 8 bits) = 50%

The data itself is not uniformly distributed though and thus even better compression ratios should be achievable by using entropic methods of compression or leveraging information about the nature of genomic data. To that end, a number of researchers have created tools to compress genomic data.

I am interested in surveying some of these tools to get a sense of the compression ratios they afford and determine if they would be able to fit in with typical NGS data workflows.

Tools evaluated

  • gzip - By far the most popular method to compress FASTQ files is to simply gzip them. Most bioinformatic tools will accept gzipped files as input. The gzip standard offers various levels of compression, allowing users to tradeoff compression time and compression efficiency. Gzip level 1 is the fastest to compress a given file, but at the cost of some compression efficiency. Gzip level 9 on the other hand should provide a smaller overall file at the cost of an increased time compressing the data. For this simple study, I ran gzip using the default compression level (level 6) as well as the highest compression level (level 9).
  • Unmapped BAM - The BAM file format is a binary format that traditionally was used to store reads mapped to a reference genome. Recently, the bioinformatics community has begun to use the BAM file to store the raw, unmapped reads as well, with the Broad Institute using the uBAM format as the starting point for their best practices pipeline. The format encodes the data in a binary format and then that binary information is compressed using a block gzip compression algorithm. Thus, our naive expectation would be that the total size of a uBAM should be on par with the gzipped FASTQ files.
  • Unmapped CRAM - Like the BAM format, the CRAM format is a binary format typically used to store reads mapped to a reference genome. When a reference genome is provided, the CRAM format is able to compress the data more thoroughly. The CRAM format also compresses data on a column basis, allowing the compression algorithm to be more efficient as it compresses data one type together. It will be interesting to see how much better our unmapped CRAM is than unmapped BAM since our data has not be mapped and no reference genome will be provided. CRAM files are also capable of compressing the quality scores in a lossy manner. For this initial evaluation, we will use CRAM in a lossless encoding manner.
  • FaStore - The FaStore compressor offers both lossless and lossy compresion. For lossy compression, it can both alter read identifiers as well as alter quality scores. For our tests, we will only evaluate the lossless mode for now. While I suspect that for many if not most cases, compressing the quality scores will have little to no impact on downstream analysis, to simplify the current evaluation I will stick to the uncontroversial lossless approaches. That said, I would evaluate discarding the read identifiers, but it is a bit challenging to both keep the full quality scores and discard the read identifiers using the scripts provided by FaStore.
  • Spring - The Spring compressor offers lossless and lossy modes similar to FaStore. Like FaStore, I will only evaluate lossless quality compression here. I will also evaluate the removal of read identifiers here though as it is a straight forward option to the tool.
  • fqzcomp - This compressor also offers lossless and lossy compression of quality scores. Once again, for our evaluation purposes we will stick to lossless for now.
  • repaq - Repaq offers lossless compression of FASTQ files. The authors highlight repaq's speed and the ability to obtain further compression through the use of xz. While repaq can operate on any pair of FASTQ files, the authors note that compression ratios on Illumina data are better than those for BGI data.
  • Petagene - Petagene offers a suite of compression tools that can losslessly compress both fastq.gz files and .bam files. The software will even capture gzip settings so that md5sums of compressed->decompressed files will match those of their original.

Data used during evaluation

As a first pass evaluation, I selected two NGS samples from the Sequence Read Archive (SRA) to evaluate a set of compression techniques.

SRR2962693: A human, whole exome sample from an Illumina HiSeq 2500 run.

SRR8861483: A human, whole genome sample from an Illumina NovaSeq 6000 run.

Starting with their NovaSeq instruments, Illumina began using a simplified quality binning approach, with each base pair using around 2 bits to store quality information rather than the ~6 bits used in previous machines like the HiSeq line. Thus, our samples should allow us to monitor performance differences due to changes in quality representation across the older and newer instruments.


First, unfortunately I was unable to get FaStore to complete the compression of the test samples. For both the WES and WGS samples, the tool would begin the multi-stage process of compressing the data, but it then would freeze. I did not see an error message. While monitoring the initial runs, I did observe a few peaks in memory use, so I tried the samples on an instance with significant memory resources - roughly 128 GB. I also provided up to 1 TB of storage space in case significant temporary files were generated. Alas, these efforts did not help. I may return at some point to investigate these failures in more depth, but for now I will just report results on the other tools.


For this initial evaluation, I chose not to concentrate on optimizing the timing of each approach. Some of the tools here make use of multiple-cores better than others and there may be ways to more efficiently leverage the tools, (in a scatter gather approach for example), but I thought a simple accounting of the time it took each tool to compress the data would still be informative.

Note that for two of the compression schemes (gzip and fqzcomp), for paired-end data the tools compress each FASTQ separately. I will record both the total serial time and the per-file times for these samples. In most instances, I assume using the max of the per-file time would be most pertinent here since in most cases one would choose to run each of these in parallel.

Instance details

Whole exome data SRR2962693

AWS c5d.2xlarge 8 vCPU's 16 GB RAM Data read from and written to NVME SSD drive

Whole genome data SRR8861483

AWS r5d.4xlarge 16 vCPU's 128 GB RAM Data read from and written to NVME SSD drive

For tools which allowed for the specification of the number of cores to use, 8 cores were requested for both WES and WGS samples. The larger instance for WGS was selected for the larger memory and storage requirements offered.


Sample gzip gzip -9 uBAM uCRAM FaStore Spring Spring --no-ids fqzcom repaq repaq-xz Petagene
SRR2962693 26m and 26m (52m total) 1h 35m and 1h 39m (3h 14m) 39m 35m DNF 26m 26m 32m 10m 52m 1.75m and 1.75m (3.5m)
SRR8861483 1h 36m and 1h 23m (2h 59m) 9h 35m + 12h = 21h 35m 2h 34m 2h 35m DNF 3h 3m 3h 2m 2h 15m 47m 147m 8.25m + 8.75m (17m)
SRR2962693 WES SRR8861483 WGS
WES Compression times WGS Compression times


Sample gzip gzip -9 uBAM uCRAM FaStore Spring Spring --no-ids fqzcomp repaq repaq-xz Petagene
SRR2962693 2m and 2m (4m total) 2m and 2m (4m total) 10m 10m DNF 16m 16m 14m and 14m (28m total) 18m 25m 1.25m and 1.25m (2.5m total)
SRR8861483 11m and 11m (22m total) 11m and 11m (22m total) 58m 1h 25m DNF 53m 51m 1h 5m and ??? (2h 10m) 92m 122m 5.75m and 6m (11.75m total)

(Note: I forgot to record the time for decompressing the reverse reads for fqzcomp. My assumption is that it would take a similar time to decompress the reverse reads as it did to decompress the forward reads.)

SRR2962693 WES SRR8861483 WGS
WES Deompression times WGS Deompression times

Storage size

As discussed in the tools section, I am concentrating on lossless compression for this current study. In many cases, it may make sense to leverage lossy compression, as the quality scores are fairly noisy and a number of studies show that it's possible to significantly bin quality scores without impacting typical variant calling pipelines. However, to limit the scope to the most uncontroversial mode of compression, for now I'll look at methods that preserve the full, original quality information.

Sample SRA FASTQ FASTQ.gz FASTQ.gz -9 uBAM uCRAM FaStore Spring Spring --no-ids fqzcomp repaq repaq-xz Petagene
SRR2962693 7 GB 40 GB 10.3 GB 9.4 GB 9.3 GB 6.6 GB DNF 3.5 GB 3.5 GB 4.7 GB 12 GB 5.4 GB 3.6 GB
SRR8861483 23 GB 284 GB 33 GB 32 GB 33 GB 22 GB DNF 15 GB 15 GB 37 GB 77 GB 21 GB 15.2 GB
SRR2962693 WES SRR8861483 WGS
WES Compressed file sizes WGS Compressed file sizes


As is widely accepted, researchers at a minimum should gzip compress their raw FASTQ files. For the HiSeq data, this provided a close to 75% reduction in storage space compared to the raw FASTQ. Add in the fact that gzipped files are cheap to decompress and the fact that most bioinformatics tools already accept gzipped FASTQ files as input, and I think you'll find there are few reasons to keep raw FASTQ file around very long.

For users who are interested in even greater storage savings though, Spring appears to be a compelling option. I saw file sizes that saved an additional 55% - 66% storage space compared to gzipped FASTQ files. While the decompression time was significantly longer than a simple gzip file, it still seemed reasonable at roughly an hour for decompressing a WGS sample on a 16 core node (where only 8 cores were used). It was also nice that the original read ordering is completely preserved (unlike unmapped BAM and CRAM files where the reads are sorted by read name) and that the raw base pairs and quality scores matched the initial data exactly, unlike fqzcomp which has the occasional quality score change. (Again, according to the fqzcomp authors some changes may be expected as fqzcomp will set the quality score to 0 for an base pair called as an N. These changes seem eminently reasonable, but it's nice to not have to worry about the changes and wonder if maybe at least some subset of changes was due to some other issue).

At a compression time of about 3 hours and a decompression time of about an hour for a WGS on an r5.4xlarge, we can calculate the break-even time for storing the Spring compressed file vs. the gzipped file as follows:

Hot storage

4 hours of r5d.4xlarge * $1.152/hour + 15 GB * $0.026 /GB/month * storage_duration = 33 GB * $0.026 /GB/month * storage_duration

 ($0.858 - $0.39) * storage_duration = $4.608

 storage_duration = 9.9 months

I believe we should be able to leverage the smaller r5d.2xlarge and see similar run times for compression and decompression since we are only using 8 cores. If this is true, our break even time would occur in roughly half the time, or after about 5 months.

For cold storage (i.e. Glacier) the break-even would be pushed out a bit.

4 hours of r5d.4xlarge * $1.152/hour + 15 GB * $0.005 /GB/month * storage_duration = 33 GB * $0.005 /GB/month * storage_duration

 ($0.165 - $0.075) * storage_duration = $4.608

 storage_duration = 51 months

Or roughly 26 months if we are able to use an r5d.2xlage.

Leveraging the spot market would bring in our break-even dates further as would the ability to leverage underutilized compute cycles within our processing pipelines to perform the compression.

Final caveats

I did not exhaustively verify that the data compression was lossless under all methods. At a minimum, I did verify that each tool could produce a pair of FASTQ files that contained the same number of entries as the input data.

For fqzcomp, I verified that the nucleotide information of the decompressed data exactly matches the input. However, I did notice that some of the quality scores had been altered. The authors note that all bases called as an N will have their quality score set to 0 though. I did not verify that all quality changes could be explained by this behavior.

For Spring, I verified that the nucleotide information and the quality information from the uncompressed data exactly matched the input data.

For repaq, I verified that the nucleotide information and the quality information from the ucompressed data exactly matched the input data.

During uBAM and uCRAM creation, the input reads are sorted by read name, making comparison of the uncompressed and initial data more challenging. For now, I did verify that for at least one read the nucleotides and quality scores match exactly. Although a more thorough validation is possible, I feel fairly confident that for these two formats one can expect exact data fidelity for the nucleotides and quality scores.

In many pipelines, it may make sense to store the mapped data and throw away the original raw data. Assuming your mapped reads contain at least one full-length entry for every raw read, you should be able to revert to unmapped FASTQ input without too much struggle and you having the mapped data would allow one to restart their pipeline at the variant calling stages rather than re-map the samples in any re-runs. In this case, a mapped CRAM, potentially with compressing quality scores using native CRAM quality score compression or external tools like Crumble, probably makes the most sense.

However, there are a number of cases where keeping the raw, unmapped data makes the most sense. For example, there are many analyses that may be performed that don't have a mapping stage. Also, some projects anticipate users leveraging multiple reference genomes in which case storing the data mapped to one specific reference might not make sense. For these projects, leveraging one of the tools above might be the most appropriate.