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A simple portal built on Ruby on Rails that fetches all the twitter posts for a given Twitter Handle. Let the Stalking Begin!
Note: Twitter API allows only a maximum of 200 timeline fetches in one call and a maximum of 3200 posts fetches
#How to configure?
- Please create an application at
- Generate the Consumer Key(API Key) | Consumer Secret(API Secret) | Access Token| Access Token Secret
- Mention the credentials obtained above in /config/initializers/twitter.rb
- You are now good to go! Happy Stalking!
- Translation support using Google Cloud Translate API
- Sentiment Analysis using HavenonDemand
#What goes inside?
- Twitter gem to fetch the posts
- Simple_form gem for forms
- Twitter BootStrap for UI
- iFrames for Google Maps in footer
- Font Awesome for Glyphicons