Hello , I'm a student of Bachelor of Machanical engineering of Chung-Hsing University in Taichung - Taiwan . This project started from November 2017 ,and still ongoing .
To run the codes correctly , you may have to fulfill the requirements: Equipments :1.One Raspberry PI 3 2.The visiual module from TIRC 塔奇恩科技 3.One RPLidar 4.A four-mecanum wheel-car ( Controller : STM32F103RCT6 F405RGT6 ; Motor driver :BTN7971 7960) https://world.taobao.com/item/562058776244.htm?spm=a211ha.10565794.0.0.5c3777fdIRwP17 5.Router (optional) 6.XBox 360 controller 7.Some eletronic devices (batteries,relays ,diode...etc)
Software :1. Python 2. xbox program of python - developed by FRC4564 (https://github.com/FRC4564/Xbox) 3. RPLidar program - developed by SkoltechRobotics (https://github.com/SkoltechRobotics/rplidar) 4. Keil (optional ,you may need this if you wish to reprogram the four-wheel car controller )
*****Please note that not all code can run correctly , becasue here are something that you may not get anywhere unless you are a developer of this project , or you are one of the customers of TIRC塔奇恩科技 , or even , a member of TIRC塔奇恩科技.
My job ,in this project , is make the car move , react as we wish.