Swift bugs with large arrays


  • Creating an array with 10.000 elements is slow with optimization apple/swift#50243 Slow. Open. (SR-7703)


  • Inliner exhibits slow compilation time with a large static array apple/swift#51712 Slow with "-O". Closed as duplicate of SR-7703. (SR-9223)

  • RedundantLoadElimination is slow with a large static array apple/swift#51723 Duplicate of 7703. (SR-9235)

  • Initializing an Int Array with 2000 elements takes more than 4 seconds Fixed in apple/swift#16560 SR-7632

  • SILVerifier ist still very slow with large arrays apple/swift#50242 Works. (SR-7702)

  • scanDouble error Fixed in apple/swift-corelibs-foundation#2552 (SR-11687)

  • Scanner get line comments wrong Invalid. Closed. (SR-11875)

  • Internal compiler error in AllocBoxToStack.cpp apple/swift#55683 Works. (SR-13243)

  • SIGSEGV with large array in SILGen apple/swift#51762 Doesn't crash anymore. Still slow. (SR-9291)