Python library which enables complex compositions of language models such as scratchpads, chain of thought, tool use, selection-inference, and more.
- 0bserver07New York
- antferdom@datacrunch-research
- arjenpdevriesRadboud University
- chrislengerichStanford CS
- claudiashi57
- cliangyuStanford University
- cooelfShanghai Jiao Tong University
- dbieberGoogle Brain
- dmarxCoreWeave, EleutherAI
- dmrd
- dribnetWellington, NZ
- fehiepsiGoogle
- fly51flyPRIS
- flynnwang
- GitHub30Osaka, Japan
- he0x
- jacobaustin123Google
- jaepil@cognica-io
- JeremyAlainNew York University
- joaogui1
- Kunlun-ZhuMila-Quebec AI Institute; UdeM
- mgorensteinUC Berkeley
- mgrankinLisbon
- milesgrayudu
- noahtrenCincinnati, Ohio
- pedrofaleETH Zürich @cbg-ethz
- rafaolData61 | CSIRO
- reshinthadithyanPondicherry
- shak360Oakland, California
- sharadmvGoogle
- shyamsn97
- SparkJiaoNTU-NLP & I2R, A*STAR, Singapore
- sumo43RunPod
- t1101675Tsinghua University
- vicgalleKomorebi AI & ICMAT-CSIC
- zaxtax