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Shared authentication for container app & extension app in iOS 8 Today widget.
#42 opened by hilalbaig - 0
- 0
Cannot do cross-client identity requests
#52 opened by tuzonghua - 0
Buttons in oauth2 controller not active
#75 opened by matrejek - 1
- 0
This is the last few lines of code on a different thread that I can see while I debug the issue. I've spent quite some time on debugging this now with no success and eventually decided to file this issue.
#103 opened by sera8705 - 8
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My app crash when calling "GIDSignIn.sharedInstance().signIn()" at second run or another later
#95 opened by kodakvn - 0 scope is deprecated
#102 opened by muneebaahmad - 12
connection library should be switched from gtm-http-fetcher to gtm-session-fetcher
#55 opened by shankari - 4
Warnings against Swift 4
#97 opened by ulukaya - 3
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Is GTMOAuth2WindowController something we can still use after the embedded webview deprecation?
#93 opened by MattyAyOh - 2
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Google calendar issues
#80 opened by ChildDivin - 3
GTMOAuth2Authentication.h file not found
#71 opened by sid26ag - 1
default scopes added automatically?
#78 opened by klwinkel - 3
How to Login with hardcode username/pass?
#68 opened by anhhtbk - 4
Client Secret question of this library
#44 opened by yuchaozh - 1
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Hi, i got an error while using vpn
#33 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 3
iOS setCookie
#32 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 0
iOS 7 user interface
#30 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 2
GTMOAuth2ViewControllerTouch doesn't correctly handle dismissal with a pop gesture
#26 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 0
Extension Grants
#25 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 0
- 0
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Can't build Examples/OAuth2Sample
#89 opened by KondrikA - 10
- 5
403. That's an error
#87 opened by khuong291 - 2
Is this deprecated now?
#84 opened by jostster - 1
GTMOAuth2ViewControllerTouch OAuth problem
#85 opened by skywalkerlw - 5
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Loss of authorisation on the simulator iPhone SE
#82 opened by Alexandeer - 3
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Duplicated podspec on cocoapods.
#67 opened by krzysiek84 - 9
Classes not recognized by the XCode
#62 opened by eraydiler - 3
The operation couldn’t be completed. ( error -1001.) From NC Widget
#59 opened by eytanschulman - 4
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could not build objective-c module gtm_oauth2
#47 opened by JoeShi - 1
version 1.0.126 not working properly
#36 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 1
Please add semver tagged releases
#40 opened by chrisballinger - 0
Gmail API GTMOAuth2Authentication.h
#50 opened by iChauster - 3
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