
Manipulating Python Programs

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PyGlove: Manipulating Python Programs

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What is PyGlove

PyGlove is a general-purpose library for Python object manipulation. It introduces symbolic object-oriented programming to Python, allowing direct manipulation of objects that makes meta-programs much easier to write. It has been used to handle complex machine learning scenarios, such as AutoML, as well as facilitating daily programming tasks with extra flexibility.

PyGlove is lightweight and has very few dependencies beyond the Python interpreter. It provides:

  • A mutable symbolic object model for Python;
  • A rich set of operations for Python object manipulation;
  • A solution for automatic search of better Python programs, including:
    • An easy-to-use API for dropping search into an arbitrary pre-existing Python program;
    • A set of powerful search primitives for defining the search space;
    • A library of search algorithms ready to use, and a framework for developing new search algorithms;
    • An API to interface with any distributed infrastructure (e.g. Open Source Vizier) for such search.

It's commonly used in:

  • Automated machine learning (AutoML);
  • Evolutionary computing;
  • Machine learning for large teams (evolving and sharing ML code, reusing ML techniques, etc.);
  • Daily programming tasks in Python (advanced binding capabilities, mutability, etc.).

PyGlove has been published at NeurIPS 2020. It is widely used within Alphabet, including Google Research, Google Cloud, Youtube and Waymo.

PyGlove is developed by Daiyi Peng and colleagues at Google Brain.

Hello PyGlove

import pyglove as pg

class Hello:
  def __init__(self, subject):
    self._greeting = f'Hello, {subject}!'

  def greet(self):

hello = Hello('World')

Hello, World!


Hello, PyGlove!

hello.rebind(subject=pg.oneof(['World', 'PyGlove']))
for h in pg.iter(hello):

Hello, World!
Hello, PyGlove!


pip install pyglove

Or install nightly build with:

pip install pyglove --pre


Citing PyGlove

  title={PyGlove: Symbolic programming for automated machine learning},
  author={Peng, Daiyi and Dong, Xuanyi and Real, Esteban and Tan, Mingxing and Lu, Yifeng and Bender, Gabriel and Liu, Hanxiao and Kraft, Adam and Liang, Chen and Le, Quoc},
  booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)},

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