Traceur is a compiler
- 4
Path Manipulation in writeFile
#2144 opened by dbohannon - 2
How to run the converted code with V8?
#2149 opened by clhiker - 0
Failed to construct classes with 'HTMLElement' as super
#2148 opened by duzy - 0
Code review contributions in Github
#2146 opened by AtomicNess123 - 7
Proper Tail Optimization doesn't work
#2140 opened by amirouche - 3
- 2
Chrome 61 now supports ES6 Modules by default
#2141 opened by codedread - 2
- 2
Use with Closure compiler
#2138 opened by mindvox - 3
Version 0.0.94 onwards giving errors in PhantomJS
#2085 opened by neilathomson2 - 3
So which "compiler" is correct ???
#2136 opened by aabatpurdue - 1
- 5
traceur is breaking my typeof tests
#2135 opened by excenter - 4
Bug: "import <Module File Path>" doesn't execute the module body as expected.
#2130 opened by stuartZhang - 1
Because the shorthand getter syntax "get <property name>(){...}" isn't supported in Safari 5.x, I'd like to replace it with Object.defineProperty(...)
#2131 opened by stuartZhang - 7
- 6
Failed to cleanly publish 109
#2124 opened by arv - 0
Super in async methods with generators
#2104 opened by arv - 0
this in modules should be undefined
#2119 opened by arv - 0
CommonJS properties should be enumerable
#2118 opened by arv - 0
Optimize output of rest param transformer
#2116 opened by arv - 5
Error node 6
#2115 opened by RWOverdijk - 11
traceur-runtime.js no longer polyfills window.System
#2113 opened by jarek-foksa - 1 is not supported
#2112 opened by geek - 6
sourceMap issues
#2109 opened by guybedford - 0
Constructor reform
#2108 opened by arv - 7
- 3
- 13
New module `instantiate` loading behaviour?
#2086 opened by pflannery - 2
Add support for .traceurrc.js files
#2101 opened by arv - 0
JSX: Multiline attributes generates invalid code
#2088 opened by arv - 1
jsx: Unexpected token `this`
#2092 opened by johnjbarton - 1
Duplicate variable error
#2091 opened by guybedford - 3
Unexpected token Exception when compiling multiple imports
#2096 opened by naorye - 7
export default self-invoking function
#2083 opened by guybedford - 1
- 2
Rename `annotations` to `decorators`
#2078 opened by sergeysova - 5
Code generation __moduleName
#2076 opened by tbragaf - 1
Async/Await freezing when running SQL
#2074 opened by jadencarver - 5
publish to npm script is broken
#2070 opened by arv - 11
traceur.get alternatives
#2052 opened by guybedford - 5
Clean checkout build failure
#2054 opened by arv - 3
import fails in browser
#2059 opened by davie - 0
update semver dependency to ^4.3.2
#2060 opened by krugar - 2
Repl not working
#2055 opened by guybedford - 8
System.import not found
#2035 opened by bennlich - 0
Outdated module wiki / intended use of WebPageTranscoder
#2044 opened by bennlich - 2
question about let
#2042 opened by handoing - 1
repl is broken
#2039 opened by arv - 1
Feature test Collections Set.js fails on node 0.10.38
#2024 opened by johnjbarton