
[enhancement] Use data from `--trace_channels` to visualize data flow in designs

rw1nkler opened this issue · 0 comments

What's hard to do? (limit 100 words)

In complex designs, understanding data flow is crucial for debugging and identifying bottlenecks. Errors and unhandled corner cases can propagate, causing issues in unrelated procs. Other aspects of the design that may be hard to track, like RAM contents, can also affect the data flow.

A tool that enables quick comprehension of data flow would greatly speed up the development process for complex designs.

Current best alternative workaround (limit 100 words)

One can use --trace_channels option to get the information about the actual data passing through the design

Your view of the "best case XLS enhancement" (limit 100 words)

It would be useful to log each transaction during a test to a file in a structured format. This data could then be used to create visualizations of the data flow and RAM contents. This could be something similar to IR Visualization tool.