- 13
- 9
RealmSwift and Realm Problems
#57 opened by savage7 - 1
How do source code and cache coexist?
#123 opened by rgmyyw - 2
Speed up Pods installation
#103 opened by Mattijah - 3
Error: Unable to find matching slice for arm64
#117 opened by Buju77 - 0
Local git config is ignored for git operations
#118 opened by sphanley - 3
- 0
Podfile pre_install hook does not run when prebuild
#114 opened by kientux - 1
Xcode 14.0.1 device_build_enabled=true fails
#113 opened by shahzadmajeed - 0
- 0
Concurrent creation of a directory while unzipping leads to a missing libraries
#84 opened by letko-dmitry - 0
"No podspec found for `React-Codegen` in `build/generated/ios`" when running prebuild with React Native 0.69.1
#108 opened by acshi - 0
Two pod targets and two bundles are created
#106 opened by mohitpareek25 - 1
Speed improvement with bitrise integration
#100 opened by ManaliSingh27 - 4
Disable cloning of the spec repo
#102 opened by Mattijah - 2
I can not prebuild the frameworks successfully
#71 opened by muyuli - 5
Disable absolute paths for .dSYMs
#99 opened by shahzadmajeed - 1
- 1
Cannot find dSYM files for prebuilt Pods
#88 opened by wooseongkim-29cm - 0
#97 opened by xiayuanquan - 1
Azure Pipeline
#96 opened by shahzadmajeed - 1
Prebuild with specified targets fails to build properly for new Swift version
#78 opened by SrikanthKabadi - 1
- 3
Pod Binary Push Fails
#93 opened by sashi01 - 0
Graph Utility
#95 opened by shahzadmajeed - 4
- 0
Problem with codesign
#91 opened by Linkadi98 - 2
- 2
My problem returned to me
#65 opened by mefilt - 1
about OC language project?
#75 opened by gaoyuexit - 0
- 1
- 0
- 1
Target fail to build if depend on Development Pod which has Assets.xcassets folder
#80 opened by victory1908 - 1
#77 opened by cchenyun - 0
- 3
- 9
RuntimeError - Fail to build targets
#70 opened by peterlendvay - 1
macOS & Catalyst support
#72 opened by exevil - 6
- 2
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- 2
[Question] Pods Sources Workflow
#63 opened by savage7 - 2
[Question] S3 support
#59 opened by dcacenabes - 1
[Idea] Centralized Cache
#62 opened by savage7 - 24
Support Apple Silicon
#54 opened by kientux - 1
Unable to get things working
#53 opened by IharAndreyeu - 1
I only succeeded for the first time, when I add more pods in my project, it can not prebuild frameworks
#52 opened by yusheng00 - 2
I delete some files, but after prebuild,the file is still in framework headers directory
#50 opened by ruzhuxiaogu - 1