- 1
wow.js doesnt work on win11
#61 opened by tryskacz - 0
WOW in Vue
#57 opened by EagleSoap - 0
- 1
NgwWowModule is not compatible with Angular Ivy
#59 opened by mohdajaj - 1
MIT license
#26 opened by lizfranco - 1
WOW is not defined in Wordpress
#56 opened by Gergab00 - 2
What about wow when JS fails?
#27 opened by jgugelot - 5
Support latest version of Animate.css ?
#47 opened by vwalexanderjin - 1
Add the "duration" option
#41 opened by konstantin-lysenko - 1
- 5
Can not run in Animate.css (V4.1.1)
#40 opened by WildDagger - 0
Uncaught TypeError: wowjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default(...) is not a constructor
#51 opened by fatihormkrn - 0
Animation on Every Up/Down Scroll
#54 opened by byzerogithub - 0
Website is Blocked in India
#53 opened by captn3m0 - 0
Fliplingo link in doc and Readme is pretty dead
#52 opened by RALMAZ - 1
- 0
WOW with ParallaxImg plugin issue
#50 opened by marytak - 0
Uncaught Type Error when mobile false enabled
#49 opened by robico - 2
Not working with latest animate.css?
#25 opened by atrandafir - 1
Run the animation only once
#48 opened by umnibot - 1
how to reset animation
#46 opened by webstermobile - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
Animation not work on swiper slide!
#39 opened by RD1989 - 5
- 1
New version AnimateJS
#38 opened - 7
- 1
migrate Animate.css v4
#34 opened by up-tri - 1
Animate on hover
#32 opened by BenJackGill - 0
Bug. Big viewport
#28 opened by drkrol - 0
- 1
- 0
Don't animate hidden elements
#29 opened by criting - 1
repeat animations on scroll back to top
#24 opened by fatemehqasemkhani - 3
- 2
- 0
Accessibility / tabbing issue
#21 opened by mdaintondcc - 2
SSR support?
#20 opened by kahurangitama - 5
delay between iteration
#18 opened by nurbol-sarsenbayev - 2
#17 opened by edberteliezer - 1
Not working with Angular 6
#16 opened by akkigeekdev - 2
data-wow-* not working on scroll container
#15 opened by akkigeekdev - 4
Repeated animations
#14 opened by NicholasG04 - 2
.animated class clashes with bootstrap modal
#12 opened by Ignitis - 2
- 1
- 1
- 1
Only load animations on window focus
#8 opened by dongepulango - 3
Doubts about License
#9 opened by sergiosantamaria