misc apptainer def files for reproducible science
build the apptainers with
apptainer build your_apptainer.sif apptainer.def
run the apptainer in shell mode with
apptainer shell your_apptainer.sig
for the vscode apptainer, add the following binding
apptainer run -B /run/user/$(id -u):/run/user/$(id -u) ubuntu_vscode_*.sif code
For deeplabcut apptainer
apptainer build --nvccli deeplabcut-2.3.5.sif docker://deeplabcut/deeplabcut:2.3.5-jupyter-cuda11.7.1-cudnn8-runtime-ubuntu20.04-latest
For ruby
apptainer shell ruby.sif
cd ~/Documents/website/Index
bundle exec jekyll serve
When running out of cache in /tmp
sudo mount -o remount,size=50G /tmp/