
🧱 Set of UI components used across the Gravitee.io ecosystem.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Welcome to Gravitee.io UI Components

User guide

To use the Gravitee.io component library in your app just run:

npm install --save @gravitee/ui-components
# Or
yarn add @gravitee/ui-components


The components are based on a set of files to manage icons, images, i18n or even for CSS. When we publish the dist folder, we also publish the assets, you can get them in folder @gravitee/ui-components/assets. To use them in an application, it is necessary to add some configuration to expose the folders on the correct paths.

When working with Webpack directly you need to update the configuration:


const CopyPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin');

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    new CopyPlugin({
      patterns: [
        { from: 'node_modules/@gravitee/ui-components/assets/images', to: 'images' },
        { from: 'node_modules/@gravitee/ui-components/assets/css', to: 'css' },
        { from: 'node_modules/@gravitee/ui-components/assets/svg', to: 'svg' },
        { from: 'node_modules/@gravitee/ui-components/assets/i18n', to: 'i18n' },

When working with Angular then update your angular.json file:


  "architect": {
    "build": {
      "builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:browser",
      "options": {
        "index": "src/index.html",
        "main": "src/main.ts",
        "assets": [
            "glob": "**/*",
            "input": "node_modules/@gravitee/ui-components/assets/images",
            "output": "images/"
            "glob": "**/*.css",
            "input": "node_modules/@gravitee/ui-components/assets/css",
            "output": "css/"
            "glob": "**/*.svg",
            "input": "node_modules/@gravitee/ui-components/assets/icons",
            "output": "icons/"
            "glob": "**/*.json",
            "input": "node_modules/@gravitee/ui-components/assets/i18n",
            "output": "i18n/"


Some components use i18n, if you didn't need it, you can load the default EN translations when your app starts.

import { loadDefaultTranslations } from '@gravitee/ui-components/src/lib/i18n';


Using in Angular app

First import the component

import { FormGroup, FormControl } from '@angular/forms';

import '@gravitee/ui-components/wc/gv-input';
import '@gravitee/ui-components/wc/gv-button';

Use in template, like an simple HTML element

<form [formGroup]="loginForm" (ngSubmit)="login()">
    <gv-input autofocus name="username" formControlName="username" ngDefaultControl gvControl icon-left="communication:shield-user">
    <gv-input type="password" name="password" formControlName="password" ngDefaultControl gvControl icon-left="general:shield-protected">

    <gv-button class="signin" primary icon="navigation:sign-in" type="submit">Login</gv-button>


Read the changelog and be careful with breaking changes or notes about upgrade of dependencies.

To install the desired version:

npm install --save @gravitee/ui-components@{version}

TIP: You can clean the package-lock.json and remove duplicate dependencies with npm dedupe

Developers guide


  • Install nvm
  • Use with nvm use or install with nvm install the node version declared in .nvmrc
  • Then install node modules with: yarn install


The available scripts are:

  • yarn serve: start Storybook in dev mode
  • yarn lint: run eslint and prettier
  • yarn lint:fix: run eslint with autofix and prettier in write mode
  • yarn test: run the unit tests
  • yarn test --collect-coverage: run the unit tests with coverage
  • yarn docs: generate the documentation
  • yarn build: build storybook
  • yarn serve:prod: start Storybook in prod mode
  • yarn generate:dist: build components to use them in your project
  • yarn generate:icons: build icons files from svg files
  • yarn generate:theme: generate theme file based on css custom properties defined in each component file
  • yarn compile: compile source files
  • yarn compile:watch: compile source files on each change

If you want link for use in other local project as dependency:

yarn build
cd dist
npm link --ignore-scripts
cd ~/my-project
npm link @gravitee/ui-components

If you want to run hot-reload with npm link

yarn compile:watch


Some components are based on third party libraries, for integration into a web component, we extract the css from its libraries as assets.

WARNING: When highlight.js or github-markdown-css are updated, we must run yarn build task to update the css.


You think Gravitee.io is awesome and want to contribute to the project? Here are few guidelines that should help you get started.


Copyright (C) 2015 The Gravitee team (http://gravitee.io) Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

See the LICENSE file for details.


Refer to the CHANGELOG for a complete list of changes.