🧱 Set of UI components used across the ecosystem.
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Dependency Dashboard
#358 opened by renovate - 2
Investigate about an Overlay component
#336 opened by gaetanmaisse - 0
[gv-radio] Implement a radio button component
#331 opened by gaetanmaisse - 0
[gv-tabs] Implement a new full size mode
#332 opened by gaetanmaisse - 0
Refactor some Storybook helpers
#238 opened by gaetanmaisse - 3
Logging configuration buttons not working
#520 opened by lesjon - 0
[gv-http-client] headers are not well displayed
#539 opened by ytvnr - 1
Display the Changelog in Storybook
#289 opened by gaetanmaisse - 1
[gv-select] Switch to a native HTML `select`
#251 opened by aelamrani - 2
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Action Required: Fix Renovate Configuration
#480 opened by renovate - 1
[gv-table] Add a title on a table cell
#453 opened by phiz71 - 1
[gv-row] row content is skrinked
#445 opened by leleueri - 1
[gv-expression-language] Autocompletion not working when used in Policy Studio
#416 opened by gaetanmaisse - 3
Improve generate-dist script
#275 opened by gcusnieux - 1
[gv-policy-studio] unable to reset flow condition
#388 opened by leleueri - 1
Policy studio: Strange behaviour when add new flow, save and select other flow.
#376 opened by gcusnieux - 1
gv-state: clean var css
#374 opened by gcusnieux - 1
[policy-studio] Add flow without path-operator
#349 opened by leleueri - 1
[gv-schema-form] disable field on condition
#350 opened by leleueri - 1
gv-expression-language scroll and overflow issue
#364 opened by ytvnr - 0
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Addon actions, the logs have no details
#243 opened by gcusnieux - 1
gv-popover truncate content
#244 opened by jgiovaresco - 1
[gv-table] Refactoring of `gv-table` component
#247 opened by aelamrani - 1
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Use Chromatic to avoid visual regression
#239 opened by gaetanmaisse - 1
[gv-promote] Blink when loading new data
#313 opened by gcusnieux - 1
[gv-button] rendering problem with skeleton mode
#311 opened by gcusnieux - 0
[gc-chart-xxx] Blink when loading new data
#309 opened by ytvnr - 1
gv-select default background should be white
#284 opened by loriepisicchio - 1
Clean Maven related stuff
#295 opened by gaetanmaisse - 1
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Create a gv-modal component
#294 opened by loriepisicchio - 1
Release / publish strategy
#273 opened by aelamrani - 0
create a gv-banner
#288 opened by ytvnr - 0
Improve icons integration
#265 opened by gcusnieux - 1
CI Overhaul
#237 opened by gaetanmaisse - 0
Use Prettier to automatically format source code
#236 opened by gaetanmaisse - 0
gv-spinner doesn't spin 🙃
#240 opened by loriepisicchio - 0
[gv-autocomplete] no-options slot is show even when no search have been performed
#258 opened by loriepisicchio - 0
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Allows to open buttons links in a new tab
#252 opened by aelamrani - 0
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gv-button : spinner wheel not displayed on button unless button has icon
#229 opened by loriepisicchio - 0
Theming console
#220 opened by aelamrani