
BIO 609 / 610 / 634 teaching Docker


Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/grexor/teachingDocker.git

or download (Code / Download ZIP on the right) and extract to a local folder (Desktop?) on your computer.

You need to have Docker installed (https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop).

Then build the container:

docker build . --tag biodocker

Make sure the build is successful (there is no error).

Running [Mac, Linux]

To run the container (login with username student) execute these commands in the terminal (console):

mkdir data
chmod 777 data
docker run -v `pwd`/data:/home/student/data --user student --hostname biodocker -ti biodocker bash --login

Running [Windows]

To run the container (login with username student) execute this commands in the Windows Prompt (cmd) terminal:

docker run -v "C:/Users/username/Desktop/teachingDocker/data":/home/student/data --hostname biodocker --user student -ti biodocker bash --login

The username should change depending on your environment. This also assumes you downloaded this repository to Desktop/teachingDocker.

Testing installation

If you are logged into the Docker container with username student you should see this:

(base) student@biodocker:~$

To make sure your data folder is writable, run this in the container:

touch data/test

If there is no error, everything works.