- 1
Broken Tutorial 17
#181 opened by alex-fu27 - 0
- 1
Bad .vtu file written by poisson.jl
#179 opened by billmclean - 2
Clarify meaning of \odot in docs
#151 opened by siboles - 3
Error in hyperelasticity demo: function NNlib.σ must be explicitly imported
#119 opened by Kevin-Mattheus-Moerman - 0
Wrong transmission conditions in Tutorial 11
#176 opened by santiagobadia - 0
- 2
- 0
- 1
- 0
Add a new interactive tutorial on GridapDistributed with the sequential backend, explaining data distribution, philosophy etc.
#129 opened by amartinhuertas - 0
- 3
EM Scatter tutorial hangs at AffineFEOperator(a,b,U,V)
#118 opened by AndiMD - 0
Some comments after dev tutorial
#38 opened by santiagobadia - 13
Can't run the Navier-Stoke and Stoke equation
#96 opened by LeoXXVII - 2
- 1
- 0
Update Gridap Tutorial for developers
#55 opened by amartinhuertas - 3
Move CI from Travis to GH actions
#56 opened by fverdugo - 0
Tutorials for developers (pending issues)
#60 opened by amartinhuertas - 15
Updating tutorials according the new API
#54 opened by fverdugo - 1
Simplify Nitsche terms in FSI tutorial
#20 opened by fverdugo - 2
How to inspect assembled matrices?
#37 opened by jw3126 - 6
Issues developing FSI
#27 opened by oriolcg - 2
"Wrong" normal
#24 opened by santiagobadia - 3
Explain attribution of tags for simple boundary
#21 opened by rveltz - 48
FSI driver
#12 opened by fverdugo - 5
TransientHeatEq benchmark
#15 opened by Batmanabcdefg - 4
Elasticity benchmark & stockes benchmark
#14 opened by Batmanabcdefg - 1
Problem w/ Jupyter notebooks
#11 opened by santiagobadia - 0
- 1
- 0
Automatation of binder-related tasks
#2 opened by fverdugo