The project management repo of the Griffith Lab.
It uses ZenHub for issue tracking. To use, please install the ZenHub browser extension (https://www.zenhub.com/extension).
This ZenHub board is linked to the civic-client and civic-server repositories. Subissues can be made in those repositories and then linked to their respective epic on this repository. You can use this repository for other Griffith Lab projects by linking your project's repository to this one in the ZenHub tab.
The only issues to be created in this repositories are issues corresponding to large development tasks, aka Epics. Specific subtasks should be created in each project's own repository and then linked to their epic. The epics can then be used to for general discussions pertaining to the development task.
To create an epic click the green "New Issue" button. In the issue interface you will be given the choice to "Create an epic" or "Submit new issue". Choose the former. If you don't see the "Create an epic" option you don't have write permissions in this repository. You can receive write persmissions by being added to the griffithlab "Member" group.