
Process and host download statistics for Anaconda packages

Primary LanguageR

Process and host download statistics for Anaconda packages

The Anaconda project publishes summarized download counts of conda packages distributed via the Anaconda Distribution, and the conda-forge and bioconda channels (https://www.anaconda.com/announcing-public-anaconda-package-download-data/). The data are available in the Parquet file format on Amazon S3 and can be parsed relatively easily in Python (full details at https://github.com/ContinuumIO/anaconda-package-data).

However reading these data this is non-trivial in R. This repository provides TSV and RDS tables of monthly download counts for all packages, aggregated across all platforms and versions. This summarisation level was chosen to match the download statistics reported by the Bioconductor project (http://bioconductor.org/packages/stats/) and to that end we also make available count tables containing only Bioconductor packages distributed via bioconda.

Data tables

Tab-separated and serialized R-object files for the two count tables can be found in the tsv and rdata folders respectively. These are updated monthly with some lag behind the release of the data from Anaconda. The TSV files are UTF-8 encoded text files and the RDS file contain the data as a tibble.

All Anaconda packages

Summarised counts for all packages distributed via Anaconda can be found in all_counts.tsv and all_counts.rds. Both are four column tables, with column names preserved from the Anaconda source files e.g.

all_counts %>% filter(pkg_name == "bioconductor-deseq2")

# A tibble: 29 x 4
   pkg_name            year  month counts
   <chr>               <chr> <chr> <dbl>
 1 bioconductor-deseq2 2017  Mar      88
 2 bioconductor-deseq2 2017  Apr     709
 3 bioconductor-deseq2 2017  May     765
 4 bioconductor-deseq2 2017  Jun     876
# … with 25 more rows

Bioconductor packages

The bioc_counts.tsv and bioc_counts.rds files contain a subset of the download data relating only to Bioconductor packages. In these tables the package names have been transformed from their bioconda format (all lower case, prefixed with bioconductor) to how they appear in the Bioconductor repository e.g. bioconductor-deseq2 🠪 DESeq2. The column names have also been changed to match the tables produced by Bioconductor e.g.

bioc_counts %>% filter(Package == "DESeq2")

# A tibble: 29 x 4
   Package Year  Month Nb_of_downloads
   <chr>   <chr> <chr>           <dbl>
 1 DESeq2  2017  Mar                88
 2 DESeq2  2017  Apr               709
 3 DESeq2  2017  May               765
 4 DESeq2  2017  Jun               876
 # … with 25 more rows

Access via BiocPkgTools

Access to the Bioconductor count table is also provided via the anacondaDownloadStats() function in BiocPkgTools. You will need version 1.9.2 or greater of the package to have access to the function. The table of counts is formatted by the function to be consistent with other data retrieval functions within the package.

BiocPkgTools::anacondaDownloadStats() %>% filter(Year == 2019, Month == "Jan")

# A tibble: 1,342 x 7
   Package       Year  Month Nb_of_distinct_IPs Nb_of_downloads repo     Date      
   <chr>         <chr> <chr>              <int>           <dbl> <chr>    <date>    
 1 a4            2019  Jan                   NA               1 Anaconda 2019-01-01
 2 a4Base        2019  Jan                   NA             147 Anaconda 2019-01-01
 3 a4Classif     2019  Jan                   NA               3 Anaconda 2019-01-01
 4 a4Core        2019  Jan                   NA             226 Anaconda 2019-01-01
 5 a4Preproc     2019  Jan                   NA             220 Anaconda 2019-01-01
# … with 1,337 more rows

R code

Scripts for producing the count tables can be found in the R folder:

  • download_functions.R: Contains functions to download and process the parquet files containing the package download counts.
  • update_tables.R: For all months from January 2017 to today, downloads and collates the daily count data into the complete tables. Intended to be run on a monthly basis via GitHub actions.