- 0
Package is broken with R 4.3+ ( Error in load_config()[[type]] : missing subscript )
#33 opened by NickCH-K - 0
No Section TOC in the left margin
#31 opened by epistecius - 0
Broken links
#30 opened by lgatto - 0
Is there a plan to support Quarto?
#29 opened by Watterry - 0
Several msmbstyle tweaks available
#28 opened by NickCH-K - 0
Appendix support
#27 opened by tgherzog - 0
Installation failure for msmbstyle
#26 opened by dkStevensNZed - 8
- 0
(PART) or (PART\*) does not work for grid style
#25 opened by fyuniv - 0
Header and title section colours
#24 opened by lgatto - 3
References in the margins
#9 opened by lgatto - 1
grid style problem with {-}
#7 opened by aridus - 2
Parts and TOC links
#22 opened by ericpgreen - 3
Acknowledgement of msmbstyle and author
#18 opened by aridus - 0
Formatting of tables
#21 opened by aridus - 5
position of margin table
#20 opened by zhengguoxu - 9
msmbstyle 0.0.9 + bookdown 0.1 problems
#16 opened by aridus - 2
Add text to the footer
#13 opened by ericpgreen - 2
Margin figures text size
#19 opened by aridus - 8
#14 opened by aridus - 5
Inserting URL to a video
#17 opened by aridus - 1
table row stripes from kableExtra?
#15 opened by ericpgreen - 5
#11 opened by ericpgreen - 12
Footnote on list item formatted incorrectly
#8 opened by aridus - 1
levels in table of contents
#12 opened by ericpgreen - 1
Including link + icon in heder bar
#10 opened by aridus - 1
grid-layout problem previewing book
#6 opened by aridus - 4
edit_link not found
#2 opened by ericpgreen - 0
References in margin and as a final chapter
#4 opened by lgatto - 2
Broken link
#1 opened by lgatto