
Proof of concept for a console-based jupyter lab.

Primary LanguagePython


Run jupyter console in kitty terminal. View plots directly in the console.



This project has proof of concept status! In general, showing plots in the console should work and jupyter console should behave as normal otherwise.


For now, this project has not been submitted to PyPI or conda yet. Install from github:

git clone git@github.com:grst/jukitty.git
cd jukitty
pip install -e .

Edit jupyter console configuration to use

jupyter console --generate-config  # if not there already
vi ~/.jupyter/console_config.py

Add the following lines to your configuration

from jukitty.image_handler import show_image
c.ZMQTerminalInteractiveShell.callable_image_handler = show_image
c.ZMQTerminalInteractiveShell.image_handler = 'callable'

Install in a conda environment

To not mess with your default installation, you can try out jukitty in a conda environment

conda create -n jukitty
git clone  git@github.com:grst/jukitty.git
cd jukitty
conda develop .

Follow the steps above to integrate jukitty in your jupyter console.

Ideas for future development / Current limitations

Build a jukitty lab

  • using tmux and e.g. jupyter-vim we could build a full-featured replacement for jupyter lab that runs entirely on the console (see #1)


  • currently, only png images are supported