- andrea-del-sarto
- archblobCluj-Napoca / Romania
- chrstnbwnkl@gis-ops
- cmarquDresden, Germany
- coder4webMoscow Corporation
- colemanmFulcrum @fulcrumapp
- DaxServerMunich, Germany
- dex2000
- dittaevaPlantemangfald AS
- drewda@interline-io
- elf-pavlik@hackers4peace
- gplv2BitLess
- grundidGrundID GmbH
- habiInstitute of Anatomy, Unversity of Bern, Switzerland
- ImreSamuBudapest, Hungary
- jschleic
- JT5DThe IMC Lab + Gallery
- kudlav@maptiler
- llongourPhnom Penh, Cambodia
- m-rey@SUSE
- marderhVienna
- mikiniMikini Services
- mvexelgeospatial omnivore
- ohrie@FixMyBerlin
- poolsztynskuOlsztyn, Polska
- pouyanaGermany
- priteau@stackhpc
- Strubbl
- systemtester
- tordansFixMyCity
- tormi@wunderio
- tyrasd
- wzbartczakPoland
- yellowsoar
- zavalitBerlin