A curated list of resources regarding the Serverless project (previously known as JAWS).
Inspired by the awesome list project.
Say hello on Twitter.
- General
- Blogs
- Blog posts
- Talks
- Amazon AWS resources
- Projects
- Plugins
- Literature
- Professional services
- Deprecated
- Homepage - Official homepage.
- GitHub organization - Official GitHub organization.
- Twitter - Official Twitter account.
- Forum - Official Serverless forum.
- Meetups - List with all official Serverless meetups.
- Readme.io - Official documentation.
- Vimeo - JAWS Vimeo account.
- YouTube - Serverless YouTube account.
- Community repository - Resources for the community.
- Community plugins - Repository for Serverless community plugins.
- Roadmap - GitHub milestones.
- Stack Overflow - Stack Overflow questions.
- Gitter Chat - Chat with the community.
- Serverless cost calculator - Calculate your costs for different providers.
- ServerlessConf - Serverless specialized conference.
- Just Serverless - Blog about the Serverless framework.
- Serverless Code - Blog about everything serverless related.
- Serverless Zone - Everything Serverless related.
- Infoword article - Infoworld blog post discussing Serverless (formerly known as JAWS).
- Interview with the Parallax agency - Interview how This ones for you was developed with the Serverless framework.
- Example AWS infrastructure - Example cloud infrastructure for a Serverless project.
- Build a Serverless REST API in Minutes with the Serverless Framework - Most recent "getting started" post as of Jan 2016.
- Moving from Ruby on Rails to Serverless - Blog post why and how this transition was made.
- Zerosharp blog posts series - Step-by-step development of an example application.
- Serverless and GraphQL - How Serverless can be used with GraphQL.
- Serverless - The next big thing - Colin Lyman on Serverless as the next big thing.
- Building a website - Tutorial on how to build a serverless website.
- Add CORS support - How you can add CORS support to your Serverless functions.
- AWS lambda framework "Serverless" - Article about the Serverless framework.
- Using Python - Using Python with Serverless.
- Scheduled Lambda events - How to create scheduled Lambda events.
- Trek10 about Serverless - A look at Serverless for processes, projects and scale.
- Serverless Slackbots - Slackbot implementation with Serverless.
- 5 serverless computing frameworks to watch out for - Forbes blog post which compares five serverless frameworks.
- Caching for API Gateway - Enable caching on query string parameters.
- The Serverless revolution - Blog post which gives a great introduction to the serverless architecture.
- What happens when you collaborate with valve - Great writeup which shows how Serverless helped a startup to handle massive traffic.
- Architecting a Serverless web application - Insightful read on how to architecture a serverless web application.
- How to avoid integration platform teething - Nice article why Serverless matters.
- Express to AWS Lambda - Blog post series which compares Express to AWS Lambda / Serverless.
- Cloudcademy blog post about Serverless - Deep overview of Serverless.
- Serverless computing use cases - Blog post about the ServerlessConf and Serverless use cases.
- A match made in heaven - Blog post by GorillaStack which shows the power of Serverless environment variables.
- Serverless computing growing quickly - Overview why Serverless comuting is taking over traditional application development.
- MongoDB with Serverless - How you can use MongoDB with Serverless.
- ServerlessConf recap - Recap about the first ServerlessConf.
- Volume compute for a new generation - Brief overview what the serverless architecture is and why it matters.
- Serverless secrets - Blog post on the "serverless secrets" plugin and how to share secrets in a Serverless project in general.
- Martin Fowler blog post - Martin Fowler blog post on Serverless architectures.
- Continuous Deployments with Serverless - How to do continuous deployments with Serverless.
- Building Serverless framework v1 - Blog post announcing v1.0.
- Serverless HipChat connect - Walkthrough of Serverless HipChat connect.
- Scout Alarms move to Serverless - Short blog post why Scout Alarm decided to use Serverless.
- Serverless v1.0 alpha1 announcement - Serverless announcement blog post about v1.0 alpha 1.
- Migrating from v0 to v1 - Blog post series about the migration process from v0 to v1.
- The life of a Serverless Microservice - Interesting read on how to build a production ready Serverless application (everything described there could also be done with the Serverless framework).
- Serverless buddies - Blog post about npm packages which will help during Serverless development.
- Npm registry server with Serverless - Blog post about the npm registry which was built with the help of the Serverless framework.
- Serverless v1.0 alpha2 announcement - Serverless announcement blog post about v1.0 alpha 2.
- Economics may drive serverless - "Controversial" blog post about the serverless movement.
- Why the future of software and apps is serverless - Old blog post (2012) by Iron.io about the upcoming Serverless movement.
- What is serverless computing and why is it important - Iron.io blog post about Serverless.
- Serverless v1.0 beta1 announcement - Serverless announcement blog post about v1.0 beta 1.
- AWS Lambda in a VPC with Serverless - Blog post which shows how one can setup AWS Lambda and VPC with the help of the Serverless framework.
- Making sense of serverless computing - Blog post which goes into details about possible implementation scenarios / pros- and cons about Serverless computing.
- The serverless cloud - Blog post series about serverless computing in general.
- Building a RESTful API - Tutorial on how to build a RESTful API with Serverless v1.0 beta 1.
- Interview about Serverless v1 - Interview with Florian from the Serverless team about the mission of the Serverless framework.
- CI/CD with Serverless - Interesting read on how to use CI/CD systems with Serverless v1.
- 451 research report - Overview of the Serverless status quo / analysis of existing FaaS providers.
- 30k page views for $0.21 - Success story about a web app which used the serverless architecture.
- What does Serverless mean? - Blog post which explains the context of the serverless architecture.
- What is Serverless? - Trek10 blog post which explaings what Serverless is.
- Scheduled Tasks - Blog post by Parall.ax on how to setup scheduled tasks with Serverless.
- JAWS @ re:Invent YouTube Video - Presentation video of the re:Invent talk.
- JAWS @ re:Invent presentation slides - Presentation slides of the re:Invent talk.
- The dot Post - The dot Post with a presentation about Serverless.
- Serverless computing - Intro to Serverless computing.
- What is the serverless architecture? - The serverless architecture explained.
- SC5 workshop - SC5 AWS / Serverless workshop.
- Deep dive on Serverless web applications - AWS intro to serverless computing.
- Serverless Framework with Austen Collins - Podcast about the Serverless framework.
- Serverless Meetup London 07.2016 - Video of the first Serverless meetup in London.
- Lambda Functions and Serverless Architectures - Talk about Lambda, AWS and the Serverless framework.
- Use Cases & Architectures - Trek10 talk about different use cases and serverless architectures
- Serverless and GraphQL - React Rally talk about Serverless and GraphQL by Kevin Old.
- Serverless architectures with Mike Roberts - Software Engineering Daily podcast about the Serverless architecture.
- Amazon AWS homepage - Official Amazon AWS homepage.
- Free Amazon AWS tier - Highly recommended to get started with Amazon AWS.
- AWS S3 - File storage solution (used to server files such as HTML or JavaScript).
- AWS Lambda - Details about the Lambda service.
- AWS Cloudformation - Details about CloudFormation.
- AWS API Gateway - Details about API Gateway.
- AWS IAM - Details about Identity and Access Management (IAM).
- Cloudcraft - Awesome tool to plan and visualize your AWS infrastructure.
- Serverless examples - GitHub organization with several Serverless example projects.
- React Serverless - Use React together with Serverless.
- Serverless test plugin - Test plugin.
- Lang Adventure backend - Backend from Lang Adventure game.
- Serverless project written with ES2015 - Project example written in ES2015.
- Serveress Telegram bot - Telegram bot implementation.
- Serverless pre register - Product Pre-registration page.
- Serverless mapbox classic - API gateway that munges geojson coming from a mapbox classic editor.
- Universal Serverless React - React with Serverless.
- Serverless example - Experimental example project.
- DynamoDB CRUD example - How to use DynamoDB with Serverless.
- GraphQL Blog - A Blog powered by GraphQL and Serverless.
- Password of the day - Password of the day service. Utilizing TypeScript.
- func4 - Show and create users.
- Boxify - Boxify API service.
- Zanon IO Demo - Demo project.
- Cortex - Cortex project.
- Protocol service - Protocol service.
- Cat facts - Example how to use Serverless with Python.
- Notes - Note taking application written for the "Learn Serverless" book.
- Aquest - Demo application.
- Hello world - Hello World application.
- Garage - Managing cars.
- Slackbot scaffold - Scaffold for a Serverless slackbot.
- Lambda-React-SSR - Server-side rendering with React on Lambda.
- Authentication boilerplate - Authentication boilerplate for Serverless.
- Blog - Blog example using Serverless.
- MoonMail - Serverless newsletter service.
- Serverless GraphQL boilerplate - Official Serverless GraphQL boilerplate.
- SC5 boilerplate - Serverless boilerplate by SC5.
- Facebook messenger chatbot - Facebook messenger chatbot who searches for GitHub repositories.
- Facebook messenger bot - Feature rich Facebook messenger chatbot.
- Discuss - Forum software powered by Serverless, GraphQL, React and Redux.
- Elasticommerce search service - Elasticsearch service for WooCommerce shops.
- Serverless starter Python - Starter project for Python based project.
- Express to AWS Lambda - Code of the "Express to AWS Lambda" blog post series.
- Serverless HipChat connect - Using Atlassian connect with Serverless.
- Serverless MongoDB - Example project on how to use Serverless and MongoDB.
- Serverless npm registry - Npm registry built with the help of the Serverless framework.
- AWS Serverless SoundCloud - Get artists tracks from SoundCloud.
- PhantomJS Lambda pack - PhantomJS wrapper for AWS Lambda.
- Webpack - Plugin to add webpack to Serverless.
- Scriptable - Make Serverless scriptable without writing a Plugin.
- Build plugin - Optimizes your Node.js functions before they're deployed.
- Serverless - By Obie Fernandez - Book about Serverless development (also covers usage of the Serverless framework).
- Learn Serverless - By Philipp Müns - Book focused on the serverless.com framework. Note: Currently being updated to cover Serverless v1.
- Trek10 - Consultancy.
- Parallax - Consultancy.
- SC5 Online - Serverless agency.
- Carrot creative - Agency.
- Microapps - Agency.
- Apiwise - Agency.
- Useful.io - Agency.
- WhaleTec - Consultancy.
- Hop Labs - Consultancy.
- Webscale - Consultancy.
- API talent - Consultancy.
- Branded Crate - Agency.
- Cloudonaut - Consultancy.
- PromptWorks - Consultancy.
Deprecated stuff. Kept for completeness.
- AWSM - Official GitHub organization for modules.
- Getting started with JAWS on AWS - Getting started guide with Serverless by Amazon (might be deprecated).
- Serverless starter - Boilerplate for new projects.
- JAWS local server - Local server which let's you execute Lambda functions locally.
- Shark Notes - Full note taking tool (frontend and backend) which shows how to do CRUD with Serverless.
- Serverless Registry - Unofficial plugin and module search.
- Plugin boilerplate - Boilerplate code if you want to develop your own plugin.
- Serverless resources validation plugin - Plugin which validates your CloudFormation template.
- Alerting - Add Cloudwatch Alarms with SNS notifications.
- Lambda prune - Automatically remove unused Lambda functions.
- Autoprune - Automatically remove unused Lambda functions.
- Swagger - Swagger.io plugin.
- CORS - CORS plugin.
- Serve - Test your lambda functionality locally.
- Base path plugin - Setting a base path for all API Gateway endpoints in a component.
- SNS - Plugin for SNS support.
- Cronjob - Plugin for Cronjobs.
- API Blueprint - API documentation generator.
- VPC - VPC support.
- Client S3 - Handle static asset serving (like static frontends) via S3.
- Offline - An alternative to the Serve plugin, with Velocity templates support.
- Serverless optimizer plugin - Fork of the optimizer plugin which uses Webpack.
- JSHint - Detect errors and potential problems in your Lambda functions.
- Webpack - Use Webpack to optimize your Serverless Node.js Functions.
- Runtime Babel - Babel runtime for the Serverless framework (so that ES6 and ES7 syntax can be used).
- Runtime Streamline - Streamline.js for Serverless.
- Meta Sync - Synchronize project credentials via AWS.
- GraphiQL - Deploys a GraphiQL client to a public S3 bucket.
- S3 - Deploy files to S3.
- Swagger - Swagger plugin.
- Synchronous resource - Plugin for deploying custom CFN stacks.
- Models - Plugin for model support.
- Mocha - Plugin to use Mocha.js.
- Package - Adds function packaging.
- Sentry - Sentry integration for Serverless.
- Autoprune - Delete old lambdas.
- Secrets - Secret management.
- Vandium - Vandium PlugIn for Serverless.
- Command line event args - Pass JSON to serverless via the command line.
- Unit test boilerplate - Boilerplate for unit testing with Serverless.
- Dependency install - Serverless plugin for managing dependencies.
- DynamoDB local - Use DynamoDB locally with Serverless.
- Cognito manager - Easy cognito management for Serverless projects.
- Hook scripts - Run code whenever a Serverless action is run.
- npm registry - npm registry.
- Users - AWSM module for authentication.
- Test AWS users library - Test AWSM users.
- Stripe webhook - Webhook for Stripe payments.
- Slack webhook - Webhook for Slack.
- Slack - Slack boilerplate functionality.
- Examples - Module with example functions.
- Slackbot - Module to create your own slackbot.
- Images - Image modifications.
- Cloudfront - Puts CloudFront distribution in front of your project.
- S3 token vendor - Return upload tokens for S3 objects.
- Loggly - Provide logging to your lambdas.
- Middleware - Middleware for your project.
- GitHub Webhook - GitHub webhook support.
- Comments - Implements comments using DynamoDB.
- 3scale - Integrates 3scale API management platform.