A micro lib to help accelerate quick real-time 2D canvas prototypes on Code Pen projects.
I have an up-to-date BABEL compiled version of main.js live on CodePen right now:
To add to your pen, in your code settings/js add an external script to:
This will automatically transpile and import all features instantly into your Pen with no added configuration.
You can use an immutable 2D vector for common vector based operations.
const a = {x:10, y:10};
const b = {x:10, y:-10};
const sum = Vector2.add(a,b);
const sub = Vector2.sub(a,b);
const mult = Vector2.mult(a,b);
const scaled = Vector2.scale(a, 100);//make a 100 times bigger
const magnitude = Vector2.mag(a);
const normalized = Vector2.normalized(a);//a normal vector
Supports normalization, add/sub/mult/div, magnitude etc
//Linear interpolation
Math.lerp(start, end, %);
Math.clamp(value, min, max);
One of the painful things of working on Canvas is the setup.
I wanted a quick way to make a real time, frame limited update/draw loop and a wrapper around mouse events.
We can launch an app (normally at the bottom of the code) like this:
const onUpdate = deltaTime =>(){
const onDraw = deltaTime =>(){
const app = new App(
//we can optionally wire up some mouse events
app.onMouseDown = (x,y)=>{
//x/y is actually the real relative mouse coordinates!
//finally we launch it!
A physics based rope system : https://codepen.io/guerrillacontra/pen/XPZeww