Towards Online Real-Time Memory-based Video Inpainting Transformers


[To be done]


Packages environment

The Conda environment can easily be installed using the file env.yml:

conda env create --file env.yml
conda activate online-inpainting

This environement is very close to the one provided in E2FGVI:

  • Python $\ge$ 3.7
  • Torch $\ge$ 1.5
  • CUDA $\ge$ 10.1

Data organization

You will need to add two folders to be able to run the scripts: 'checkpoints' and 'data'.

First, create the folders:

mkdir checkpoints
mkdir data

In 'checkpoints' put the pretrained weights for the different models, available here.

In 'data' put the frames and masks of the videos you want to inpaint in distinct folders. Each subfolder represents a video, and the name should match between the frames and the masks.

A suggested organization is the following:


DAVIS and YouTube-VOS datasets

To reproduce the results of the paper on DAVIS and YouTube-VOS, download the datasets following these instructions:

  • DAVIS dataset available here (Semi-supervised TrainVal - 90 videos)
  • YouTube-VOS available here (test_all_frames - 541 videos)

Note: For YouTube-VOS, you will need to rename the files so that each video starts at 00000.jpg (to match the masks).

For the masks, we extended the set created by FuseFormer to include more DAVIS videos (from 50 to 90). They are available here.



You can easily run any online inpainting script with the command:

python evaluate_[backbone]_[model].py --ckpt checkpoints/[backbone].pth --video data/DAVIS/JPEGImages --mask data/DAVIS/Masks --evaluate --save_results
  • [backbone] is the name of the original inpainting algorithm: DSTT / FuseFormer / E2FGVI
  • [model] is the name of the online inpainting pipeline to use: O (Online) / OM (Online-Memory) / OMR (Online-Memory-Refinement)
  • --video is the path of the corrupted images (see Data Organization)
  • --mask is the path of the masks for these images
  • --evaluate means that the script will evaluate the inpaintings on different metrics (PSNR/SSIM/VFID)
  • --save_results means that the inpaintings will be saved (as a folder of images)

Other parameters can be added to the command:

  • --save_folder to specify where to save the resulting inpaintings
  • --num_neighbors to specify the number of neighboring frames to use for the prediction
  • --ref_step and --num_refs to specify the number and frequency of the reference frames for the prediction


python --ckpt checkpoints/DSTT.pth --video data/DAVIS/JPEGImages --mask data/DAVIS/Masks --evaluate 
python --ckpt checkpoints/E2FGVI.pth --video data/YTVOS/JPEGImages --mask data/YTVOS/Masks --save_results
python --ckpt checkpoints/FuseFormer.pth --video data/my_dataset/Images --mask data/my_dataset/Masks 


To easily obtain the average PSNR, SSIM, and VFID of the videos, just add the argument --evaluate in the commands above.

To evaluate the warping error (Ewarp), you will first need to save the inpaited frames using the argument --save_results in the commands. The metric can then be calculated following instructions from video-inpainting-evaluation to retrieve the values given in the paper. Another possibility is to follow fast-blind-video-consistency but the results may differ from the paper as they depend on the way to calculate the flows.

Citing this work

[To be done]


Our work is built upon three existing video inpainting models: DSTT, FuseFormer and E2FGVI. In particular, our code shares a lot with these existing works.