
Low Power WIFI weather stations and environmental data loggers based on ESP8266/ESP8285 Module

Primary LanguageC++

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WIFI environmental data loggers

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This repository contains code examples and code updates for TeHyBugs which you can order from Tindie

You may have a look at GumCP, a Raspberry Pi Web Control Panel, which now contains a TeHyBug data logging module

Get a TeHyBug scriptable iOS 14 widget from here https://gist.github.com/gumslone/542ceb3afc6a9977123608f6982c59ad

TeHyBug Universal 18650 / TeHyBug Mini / TeHyBug Classic firmware

Documentation for the TeHyBug Lua firmware you can get here: https://github.com/gumslone/tehybug/blob/master/TeHyBug.md and more at https://tehybug.com/faq


Enclosures for 3D Printing:

TeHyBug FreshAirMakesSense CO2 Sensor

Documentation and the latest firmware binaries you can find here: https://github.com/gumslone/tehybug/tree/master/tehybug_co2_firmware


Enclosures for 3D Printing:

TeHyBug FreshAirMakesSense Desk CO2 Sensor

Documentation and the latest firmware binaries you can find here: https://github.com/gumslone/tehybug/tree/master/tehybug_co2_desk_firmware


Enclosures for 3D Printing:

TeHyBug Display / Clock

Latest firmware binaries and documentation you can find here: https://github.com/gumslone/tehybug/tree/master/tehybug_display_c_firmware_v1


Enclosures for 3D Printing: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5744609 TeHyBug Display / Clock

TeHyButton / WiFi Button / Open Door Sensor / Water Leakage Sensor

sends a http get/post or mqtt message through wifi network to a custom server with button state or any other custom message https://github.com/gumslone/tehybug/tree/master/tehybutton

GumBoard / TeHyBug Sensor Board

Latest firmware binaries and docummentation you can find here: https://github.com/gumslone/tehybug/tree/master/gumboard
