Notebooks for generating figures and results are in the analysis/
Computes some general statistics:
- Total number of TRs: 1,176,016
- Total number of STRs: 1,154,738
- Total number of VNTRs: 21,278
Computes statistics:
- Number of unique loci with mutations: 18,119
- Number of STRs: 18,053
- Number of VNTRs: 66
- Excess of mutations on B haplotypes: 52.5%
- Percent of mutated loci that are singletons: 57.6%
- 1b: distribution of sizes of mutations
- 1c: Proportion new mutations by epoch
- Supp Figure 1: karyoplot with locations of new mutations
- Supp Figure 2: properties of mutations by repeat unit length
- Supp Figure 3: number of strains with new mutations per locus
Computes statistics:
- Total number of LD-pruned SNPs: 7,101
- Max LOD (all): 6.1
- LOD center and interval (all): 79.7, 91.2, 93.4
- Max LOD (tetra): 8.4
- LOD center and interval (tetra): 89.4, 90.4, 93.4
- Z-test proportions by epoch
- 2b: Expansion propensity vs. B/D
- 2c: Expansion propensity vs. B/D by epoch
- Supp Figure 4: Genic vs intergenic regions
- Supp Figure 6: QTL scan by multiple features
- Supp Figure 7: Distribution of exp propensity by period
- Supp Figure 8: QTL scan by epoch
- 2a: QTL signal
- 2d: zoom in on trace for QTL signal
- Supp Figure 5: zoom in on trace for modest peaks
- prepares Supplementary Datasets 1-3
- Generates auto_info used by
- 2e: mutation rate vs. length
- 2f: expansion propensity vs. length
- Supp Figure 9: mutation patterns
- Supp Figure 10: motif analysis
Computes statistics:
- Z-test proportions by repeat unit length
- Correlation of repeat length vs. mutation rate
- Correlation of repeat length vs. expansion propensity
- Supp Figure 11: sex chroms
Computes statistics:
- Total number of sex chromosome mutations and loci
- Z test for sex chroms
- 3a: variants in Msh3
- 3b: zoom in on 5' end
- Supp Figure 13: Variant selection
- Supp Figure 14: Variant selection zoom in on Msh3
- Supp Table 1: VEP summary
- Supp Table 2: VEP impactful variants (DNA repair genes)
- Supp Table 4: LOD scores and VEP for SVs
Computes statistics:
- Number of STRs/SNPs/SVs in QTL interval overlapping protein coding genes
Large files required for 3_vep_annot_per_gene.Rmd
can be downloaded here:
- Supp Figure 16: Redo QTL with subsets
- Supp Figure 17: summary of availability of expression datasets
- Supp Figure 19: summary of eQTL results
- Supp Figure 20a: detailed eQTL traces for DNA repair genes
- Supp Figure 21: co-localization of QTL/eQTL signals
- 4a: traces of best eQTL signals
- Supp Figure 15: summary of expression levels
- Supp Figure 20b: detailed per-dataset expression levels for DNA repair
- 4b: expression diffs for dna repair genes
- Supp Figure 18: probe-level analysis for Msh3
- Supp Figure 22: Detailed probe-level analysis of Msh3